Occasionally, I will blog about the American Idols as I am a part of the American Idols Bloggers. So I have to write blogs on this show every now and then. The final four really started off pretty boring until I heard these folks sing. These are my early favorites. If you are watching this show, who are yours?
Questions to be asking now! Who is this Melinda Doolittle? She blew that song out the box. Who is Lakisha Jones? Wow! I had chills. Here are my early favorites.
Former Idols
Where are they now? They are doing some amazing things. I guess this American Idol thing really works. Mhmm.
Jennifer Hudson- 3rd African American ever to grace Vogue magazine. The only other two were Halle Berry and Oprah Winfrey. Wow...what company! Have won a screen actor's guild award, A globe and is favored for an Oscar. Currently checking out major film scripts for major directors and will release a CD this year. Breaking all kinds of records for first time as an actress.

Fantasia: Released two Cd's. One certified platinum, and the other still climbing the chart. Starred as herself in the highest watched ever Lifetime Movie about herself and based on her book which is a New York Bestseller.
Jennifer Hudson looks great on that cover. I think she's the third african american actress or entertainer. Several African American models have appeared on Vogue, beginning with Beverly Johnson.
I loved Jennifer Hudson's Life Magazine cover. I think that Vogue could have come better than that.
As for Fantasia that cover shot is not very good in my opinion. She looks terrible. However, I do like her new CD.
Hey Rose, I thought Beverly Johnson graced the Vogue cover too.
Hi Tj, Jennifer is the third African American based on the news report to gracce Vogue.
Miz jj: I saw the Life cover too it was nice. No, I didn't like that magazine cover of Fantasia. You should see what they did with that cover in emails.
HI Shai, from all reports she is only the third African American, the others Oprah and Halle.
I don't remember their names, but you've got two of my favorites (the 2 girls) up and I like the first girl that sang last night too. Can't actually say any of the guys (OH, except for the big guy with the wild mop for hair and glasses, I LOVE his voice!) really do it for me.
Okay, looked AI up. My girl fav's are Gina, Jordan, Lakisha, Melinda and Stephanie. My guy favs are... Chris Sligh.
I have been watching it this year, unlike years before where I'd see a show or two.
I really just started watching and I like Stephanie she blew that song out the water. Lakisha and Melinda are next. I feel Melinda and LaKisha will get a recording contract whether they winIdol or not.
I love J-Hud but Vogue did not do her any justice with that cover. I was not pleased at all, they need to come correct but I stopped subscribing to Vogue over a decade ago.
Hi Rose
American Idol is on here right now and Lekisha was amazing. She was totally the best out of all the girls I heard.
Rose, I did not know your email addy. Here is what I found on Bev and Vogue.
Beverly Johnson is the first African-American model to grace the cover of American Vogue.The August 1974 cover was shot by famed photographer Francesco Scavullo.
Rose, I had to come back and comment after watching the guys on Idol last night. I'd said before that only one of the guys impressed me, well, things do change! Last night, they all brought it! What a difference a week has made, we've got a contest now! :)
The only one that doesn't floor me is the young guy (17) that had entered with his sister. He's got a good voice, just too inexperienced to know what to do with it yet.
I haven't been watching the current season of American Idol. Well, I watched a few of the first episodes, and that's about it. I'm going to have to remind myself to watch it because I'd like to see this year's talent. I hardly watched it last year either.
I love Jennifer Hudson! I hope her sudden rise to fame isn't short lived. She seems very humble and deserving of success and a long and fulfilling career.
And I love Fantasia!! She's a survivor and I see alot of myself in her. I can identify with her and I think she's a gem!
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