Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?
I met my husband some 23 years ago during the summer days of my last year in college. We met at a Pop night club, The Oz which at that time was the place to be for anybody who was anybody. The night I met him I also met the quarterback for the first professional football team St. Louis had, the St. Louis Cardinals. This was prior to them moving to Arizona. I had a choice that night to pick the popular quarterback who was all up in my face or pick the shy fellow who kept interrupting and asking me to dance. Something inside me told me that I would be seeing more of the nerd looking guy who was handsome but had an ink pen pocket protector inside his shirt which I saw when he opened his suit to use an ink pen. I thought to myself this is the man that I am going to marry. I just knew. There were no firecrackers, no love at first sight, but my heart said that this was going to be the one, a true, loving and honest relationship, so I tossed the quarterback aside and told him to lose my number. Two and a half months later my husband asked me to marry him and six months later we were in a small ceremony attended by family and friends. We had only known each other 9 months.
I was the girl who never dreamed of a large wedding. I dreamed of a small wedding, having a son and a white two story home and a career. I also said I would be happily married before I was 24 and I was. The only thing different in my dreams was that instead of the boy we got the girl.
I brought this up because someone emailed me a news clipping saying that young Nick Cannon
of Drum Line and Love Don't Cost a Thing movies and the Wild Out Show met and married Victoria Secret model
Selita Ebanks in Las Vegas last week after dating only three weeks. People were surprised because he had several long term relationships with two other women that he left. I don’t know how true this is but it made me think. If it is true what was different about this girl? Was it love at first sight? Will it work? Maybe I say. I know others who did the same and are still married. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I met my husband some 23 years ago during the summer days of my last year in college. We met at a Pop night club, The Oz which at that time was the place to be for anybody who was anybody. The night I met him I also met the quarterback for the first professional football team St. Louis had, the St. Louis Cardinals. This was prior to them moving to Arizona. I had a choice that night to pick the popular quarterback who was all up in my face or pick the shy fellow who kept interrupting and asking me to dance. Something inside me told me that I would be seeing more of the nerd looking guy who was handsome but had an ink pen pocket protector inside his shirt which I saw when he opened his suit to use an ink pen. I thought to myself this is the man that I am going to marry. I just knew. There were no firecrackers, no love at first sight, but my heart said that this was going to be the one, a true, loving and honest relationship, so I tossed the quarterback aside and told him to lose my number. Two and a half months later my husband asked me to marry him and six months later we were in a small ceremony attended by family and friends. We had only known each other 9 months.
I was the girl who never dreamed of a large wedding. I dreamed of a small wedding, having a son and a white two story home and a career. I also said I would be happily married before I was 24 and I was. The only thing different in my dreams was that instead of the boy we got the girl.
I brought this up because someone emailed me a news clipping saying that young Nick Cannon

My parents were married just a couple of weeks after they met and have been together almost 39 years!
I believe!
I know many things are possible. I do believe love at first sight is very, very rare. I question is it real love. Many people say the love someone and marry only to divorce. How many love at first sights have divorced?
Rose, you had a prophecy about your husband, I think that is different from love at first sight.
Yes, it can happen. However, I'm not sure if Hollywood produces the same scenario with looks and lots of money being part of the package. It's hard to determine if these folks are truly in love at first sight.
I'm a hopeless and a diehard romantic, BUT I do not believe in love at first sight. Not for me anyway. My friend Jo Ann met her husband online and they chatted and spoke on the phone for 6 months.
She lived in California, he lived in Virginia. The first time they got together in person, they got married. I thought that was pretty fly that they did that. Others disagreed.
I think it depends on the 2 people how fast or how slow before it takes 2 to decide they should be married. I married my wife after 4 years of dating, and some people still told us that was too soon. So, go figure.
I did read that Cannon married the woman that he knew for only 3 weeks time. I say, good for him and here's to the best of luck for them both.. Hey miss Rose!
I married Mark 2 days SHY of two weeks after we met, at church on a Wednesday night. Married for 22 years, and though it recently ended, for nearly 22 years I was married to my best friend and had 2 great kids.
thats a great story. not sure I believe in love at first sight either but sometimes you know who the person is that you will be together with
nick cannon's marriage? I dont know I really dont hold much hope for hollywood/celeb marriages. I think the years of Celeb marriages should be counted in like dog years. one year equals 7 years so when someone divorces after 3 months you can still say well they had a good run it was almost 2 dog years.
Anything is possible. I married my husband seven months after our first date. When I saw him I knew I was going to marry him, but I dont know if it was love at first sight. My kids were love at first sight, but thats different. LOL.
Love can happen when you least expected it. YES, I believe in love at first sight and sight unseen. It begins in the heart where the soul ventures beyond time.
I have never experienced it, but that does not mean it can not happen. I hope it does exist so that maybe one day I can experience it.
My parents met in February and married in August. Definitely love at first sight. With me though, everytime I thought it was total love at first sight, it absolutely never worked out...I think you can have love at first sight but if you don't have the rest of the package to back it up, then that thin line between love and hate can quickly get crossed. I still believe in it though.
I believe in love at first sight though it has never happened to me yet. I wish it does.
Yes, love hit me that way...sort of. I was engaged to my wife in 4 months and married her two months later. I have now been married for 1 year 3 months. I pray that we are blessed to make it to where you and your husband are right now. Many blessings~
I believe in the miracle of love --so I think love at first sight is definitely possible. Working on love so that it lasts forever is the real trick though!
Ummmm -- I believe in "like" at first sight. I guess you could say that anything is possible.
Do I believe the marriage will work? You are talking Hollywood where divorce seems to be the fad these days. Actually, I hope so.
By the way, cute story. Did your husband read your post, and if so, what did he have to say about your "nerd" comment. :-) you are too funny.
If the attraction goes beyond the physical level, whether it takes months, weeks, hours, or minutes - then it could very well be love at first sight.
I believe in love at first sight.
Call me a sucker for love, but I do. =)
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