What a Mess!

What would cause a man to dress like this? I felt a little compassion for Dennis Rodman after seeing an interview with him about 7 years ago when he blamed his problems on his parents and the people around him. I know that unhealthy environments can breed unhealthy kids, but still a part of me want the child to get up, dust his bottom off and still prevail at the highest level mentally and emotionally. But there is some truth to parents and other family members destroying kids. I recall Latoya Jackson saying that when Michael Jackson was 12 his brothers and some other relatives locked him in a hotel room on his twelfth birthday with a hooker. She said that by the time that hooker released him he was a nervous confused mess.

Then someone sent these pictures to me of Diddy’s son receiving a lap dance on his 12th birthday. What in the heck is wrong with these parents? Justin doesn’t look happy to me. When I saw these pictures I immediately thought of Michael locked in that room and how he turned out.

Then someone sent these pictures to me of Diddy’s son receiving a lap dance on his 12th birthday. What in the heck is wrong with these parents? Justin doesn’t look happy to me. When I saw these pictures I immediately thought of Michael locked in that room and how he turned out.
Good Lord. Sad.
That is so whack on so many levels.
Apparently Puffy's baby mama (Misa) did not know about this and when she found out she was pissed. You can read about it here. I like that she at least addressed the issue and made it known that she does not condone that type of behavior.
This is silly and just more evidence that just because someone can have a child doesn't mean they should. With that comes a lot of responsibility that people now days don't seem to take as seriously as past generations did.
BTW Rose, you've been tagged. Check out my blog. You have crzytxbull to thank (or not)! ;-)
With Dennis, he has gender identity issues. Deeply rooted stuff, for sure. And as for Diddy, I want to give him a good talking to!
OMG wth???? No self respecting parent would subject their child to this type of madness. Twelve years old is a baby for crying out loud. He can't say a damn thing if that child goes out and gets some girl pregnant now can he? What a dumb a$$. I want to whup Diddy's behind all over the place for that mess.
Dennis has issues, definitely. As for the child over-exposed, I hope the Mom continues to raise cane with Diddy to keep him in line.
Cross dressing...a serious state of confusion.
It's a shame that men think exposing young boys to sex at an early age is appropriate and acceptable behavior.
Glad to hear that mama is on it!
Why was the boy in an enviornment where he could get a lap dance? This is just so sad.
stopping by to wish you well!!!!
You know why puffy had his son getting lap dances. Many black men feel sex is a rite of passage for young boys. And the sooner they get a little taste of "it" the sooner boys will make that transition into manhood.
Rodman is just a man that walks to the beat of his own drum. I don't get his deal but I say why try to box him into my ideals of what I believe to be acceptable and not acceptable? Ya know?
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