What happened to the American Idol’s standards? There are many folks who were dropped off the show because they posed on adult websites with their breast exposed, had a misdemeanor for smoking weed or some other petty offenses that I don’t even recall. Remember Frenchie? She was the big voice like Jennifer Holiday, who was considered an early favorite for winning season 2. She admitted that she worked on an adult web site showing her breast.
I guess my question is this, why is Antonella Barba still on the show when she is at best a mediocre singer and now is the undressed pin-up? Some of the photos posted of her are porn. If those pictures are of her she should be disqualified. Frenchie just showed her breast. This girl is doing way more, from nude to porn. Is it racist or prejudice to let one go and another stay? Is it because one was overweight, and the other is not? Or is this a race issue? I don’t know but I am losing favor with this show because of their inconsistencies in how they are treating the contestants.
What do you think?

What do you think?
So many "isms" can be so subtle. People can rationalize and say "it's not about her race, it's the pictures" or "it's not her weight, it's the pictures" or "it's not that we are intimidated by her talent, it's the pictures." And then they can later "explain" why the current pictures are different from the first pictures in question and everyone walks away content to be in their little, oblivious-to-the-ism bubbles. Who knows which ism is at work here. Perhaps several of them. The fact that there is something at work besides offense at pictures is pretty obvious ~ so long as you're willing to see it.
I have never seen a full season of idol. I think I'll keep skipping it. The white female singers tend to be favored over the black ones in general, but thats just america.
Because white women can get away with anything.
Have the porn pictures been proven to be her? If it hasn’t been proven yet who’s taking their sweet time? Interesting…
I don't like favoritism. If it’s her, she should be disqualified immediately. Accountability is a must in my book, no matter who you are.
That's my take on it!
Hi Rose! I hope u remember me! I don't watch AI; it doesn't interest me that much, maybe because I am usually buried in a book. First of all, I don't think it's FAIR that they get rid of a talented girl who has so much potential compared to the "mediocre" singer. Maybe, it's race, weight, pictures? I think they should go by talent, forget skin color, the way they look, but listen to that voice people!! Porn compared to pics? What were they thinking? They will regret this when that real singer w/ the real talent shines through and gets a record deal - that's what I am thinking...
I knew this was going to come about after little miss was not kicked off swift, fast and in a hurry. Why didn't they kick her off well because it pulls in ratings. Who is this chick that's allegedly in all these p.orn pics all over the web. Curious minds will tune in to watch and see what all the hoopla is about. That is what AI wants. Didn't Nigel (producer) say any publicity is good publicity?
After saying all that IMHO Anto.nella should get the boot. Fren.chie got the boot because of the same thing so let's not stray from the morals *cough bs cough* the show layed down back a few years ago.
Fren.chie has performed on Broadway for the past four years with Rent and she is doing well despite AI giving her the heave ho.
I find a double standard but Frenchie has been doing fine on her own without the Idol. She played a role in Rent on Broadway and has gone on to do bigger and better things.
BTW, the Jill Scott CD that song is on is "Golden" but the most recently CD released is Jill Scott Collaborations. Pick up both! I love that chick!
Cosign with Mizz JJ.
Basically no one would have put up a fight for Frenchie. So she went out quietly. That plus the white girl did it "for the troops" lol...sigh.
I think the issue is that Frenchie would have won that year. And this other chick, who, like you said is a mediocre singer at best, is good for publicity. She'll be off soon enough.
Oops, realized last night that the actual name of the CD is Beautifully Human and Golden is the title track on the CD.
I'm writing this on Thursday, and I just finished watching the results. I've got to say I am completely shocked by tonights results. So disappointed.
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