A Woman for President of the United States
Are we ready? Will it happen? Will it be Senator Hilary Clinton? I think considering the fact that United States are involved in everything, mostly it seems negative lately that a change is needed. Since the men of this country seems to be screwing things up, isn't it about time we women sweep up the mess?
Hilary is looking better to me everyday. Though I must say, I like Obama too. Wouldn't they make a good ticket together? I think I would feel better knowing that Senator Clinton was the President. It has more to do with Bill being her husband. Bill Clinton could still run the country behind the scene. After all, to me he was the best President we've had in my lifetime.
Still, though I just want the Bush administration to end soon. They are such a laughing stock to the world, which makes us all look bad as a country.
Are we ready? Will it happen? Will it be Senator Hilary Clinton? I think considering the fact that United States are involved in everything, mostly it seems negative lately that a change is needed. Since the men of this country seems to be screwing things up, isn't it about time we women sweep up the mess?
Hilary is looking better to me everyday. Though I must say, I like Obama too. Wouldn't they make a good ticket together? I think I would feel better knowing that Senator Clinton was the President. It has more to do with Bill being her husband. Bill Clinton could still run the country behind the scene. After all, to me he was the best President we've had in my lifetime.

Still, though I just want the Bush administration to end soon. They are such a laughing stock to the world, which makes us all look bad as a country.
It is ALL ABOUT BILL. Why not a female president, but it's more about Bill. More Bill. LOL. I like Barak but I see him as a more feasible vice presidential candidate who later runs for president based on his gained experience as vice president.
I personally think Hil was the one running things behind the scenes when Bill was in power. They just hid it better in the latter years. I would love a Clinton/Obama ticket. That is a train that can not lose!
You know, I think the Dem party is going to try to push Obama and Hilary onto the same ticket... That would be a hard combo to beat.
I'm not sure the country will accept a non-white, non-male president until we have had a non-white, non-male VICE-president first. Mind you ~ I would *love* to be wrong!!!
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