Here are some pictures of Beyonce without her weave. I wonder if she feels naked without all the hair. Still she is very attractive, even though my 17-year-old nephew is sitting behind me as I type this saying, "she needs her weave." But to me that's just a part of her uniform. I'm sure that she wants to be just her plain self without the glam, hair and make-up on her down days. But there are some men like my nephew who insists that women are more beautiful with the make-up and extra hair. My nephew says this is not the Beyonce he likes. He even claims that she is darker in some shots but very light in others. I explained to him about make-up and lights, still he seems quite disappointed.

I just wrote about "I am not my hair” a song by India Arie.
Anyway, with or without it I think Beyonce is beautiful!
Ditto rosemarie on beautiful either way, but I think she's gorgeous more natural, in the last 2 pictures.
I think she should give the weaves a break on work on her own hair. If they had gave it some body and/or curls for fullness. It looks like it is thinning. I saw her younger years pick with her own hair and it was long and full.
Her hair is very thin and she was blessed with a beautiful head of hair. I find that the girls who were those heavy weaves ruin their own hair. Britney was experiencing the same thinning of her own hair.
Star Jones has also taken all that weave and wig out of her head and she she looks younger (of course she could had plastic surgery but that is a topic for another day).
thanks for dropping by my blog
and THANKS for posting this pic. I wondered how she looked without her weave. Her hair is shorter than I thought.
It does look like it is thinning, but she DOES have that L'Oreal contract and there's no telling what processing her hair goes through on the regular.
She is beautiful. I love India Arie song though.
Kathi I like the last two pictures too.
Shai, weaves and braids does take your thickness away. I wore braids for the longest, and sorry to say my hair looks just like Beyonces in the last two pictures. I lost my thickness but since I am no longer wearing the braids it is slowly coming back.
I saw both Britney and Star's hair. Yes their hair was very damaged. That weave is too heavy and the glue and thread is just to harsh for the hair. Plus folks pulled it out wrong and wear it too long.
well, she does lose some appeal without the weave. There has to be a happy medium cause her weave are usually over the top; and without the weave her presence is a bit underwhelming.
Keep talking to your nephew. It's nice to know someone is trying to counter the societal demands that women must always be 'on.'
Just blog visiting today. I agree with Boston Pobble. Beyonce must be allowed 'off' moments to reconnect to her private persona. IMHO, she looks nice with or without the weave.
Bostonpobble, I think that with so much in society, encouraging the young nephew may not help, he sounds far gone. It may take time for him or he may still feel that way. Our girls who have been taught about inner beauty still struggle with and even buy into the images society puts out.
Rose, I have to say that my hair is thicker with wearing braids. It is what I do after I take them out. My hair is not the same and I know it has to do with my diet and age. After a bunch of perms my scalp is not the same hence I stopping perming in 2004. So now I have to find a way to manage natural hair, which is hard to do, it need so much and the products out don't complement our hair. I have finding out that a large majority of what is AA beauty supplies are not good for our hair. *Sighing*
I want her to break up with the weaves for a while. Just be Beyonce' the person instead of the persona for a minute.
I'm a big fan of natural beauty. I like her better without the weave. Her features pop out more -especially her eyes. With her weave you're inclined to focus on all that hair first.
Sometimes I think we need to have conversations with our young people about loving ourselves - and each other - for who we are.
In this case, asking your nephew how he would feel if a girl wouldn't date him because she didn't like the shape of his nose or the texture of his hair might cause him to think a bit.
I still cringe when people, including my own hairdresser, tell me that I have "good hair."
By the way, it's refreshing to see Beyonce without her weave. I think her beauty is accentuated even more.
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I have to agree with Michelle, I also prefer natural beauty. It was nice to see her without the weave. Ive also said that she was attractive but her weave was horrible. She should wear it natural more often
OMG, go get ur weave, Beyonce... PLEEEAAASE!!!!
She looks more natural of course. The Sasha where used to is no longer present. 90% of the celebrties we think are gorgeous are buried under weaves, false lashes, pounds of foundation and push-up bras.
Whatever shes still beautiful weave or not.
I like her like this she looks real. and beautiful!
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