Would you or wouldn’t you Strip for 3 million dollars? 

Today I heard three radio reports about Oscar winning Jennifer Hudson and that she turned down a movie role which would have paid her 3 million because it called for another actress to strip naked in one of the scenes. Mind you, they did not ask Jennifer to do this, but it would have been a co-actress. I have heard some funny stuff about her decision.
One friend said, I would have done it and used the money to uplift all the places on my body that needed lifting. Others wondered what she had to do with another woman stripping. Some wondered how it affected her if another woman took off her clothes.
But I understood. Jennifer may have felt that since she has stated that she is a Christian she must be careful about her roles and what they mean to people who are striving to live a Christian life. She has said every chance that she gets that she is thankful that she has received such beautiful blessings and felt favored by God. After some of her acceptance speeches for awards, it was said that she rushed back to her hometown to attend church with those who knew her before the success.
I think she just have different standards and morals that she lives by and that’s great. All of us have things that we would do and wouldn’t. For me, I would definitely not strip naked on film for others to see, no matter how much money someone offered me. But I am not sure if I cared at all whether I was in a movie with a woman who did. For a person like Jennifer she has many choices of what movies to select from so she doesn’t have to grab the first thing someone offers her. Plus she has a multi-million music deal with Clive.
What would you have done? Would you have turned down three million because another person was stripping in a movie you were offered a role in?

Today I heard three radio reports about Oscar winning Jennifer Hudson and that she turned down a movie role which would have paid her 3 million because it called for another actress to strip naked in one of the scenes. Mind you, they did not ask Jennifer to do this, but it would have been a co-actress. I have heard some funny stuff about her decision.
One friend said, I would have done it and used the money to uplift all the places on my body that needed lifting. Others wondered what she had to do with another woman stripping. Some wondered how it affected her if another woman took off her clothes.
But I understood. Jennifer may have felt that since she has stated that she is a Christian she must be careful about her roles and what they mean to people who are striving to live a Christian life. She has said every chance that she gets that she is thankful that she has received such beautiful blessings and felt favored by God. After some of her acceptance speeches for awards, it was said that she rushed back to her hometown to attend church with those who knew her before the success.
I think she just have different standards and morals that she lives by and that’s great. All of us have things that we would do and wouldn’t. For me, I would definitely not strip naked on film for others to see, no matter how much money someone offered me. But I am not sure if I cared at all whether I was in a movie with a woman who did. For a person like Jennifer she has many choices of what movies to select from so she doesn’t have to grab the first thing someone offers her. Plus she has a multi-million music deal with Clive.
What would you have done? Would you have turned down three million because another person was stripping in a movie you were offered a role in?
THIS IS A RUMOR- verified by friend of Jennifers!!!Sorry...the media has done it again!
Wow Anonymous- the radio stations here usually get it right. I guess they got it wrong this time. Geez what's a person like me to do when I can't trust the media. (LOL) Still I think it is a good question, to strip or not to strip for money. Many communities are in uproars about these strips clubs moving in. Still, I admire Jennifer, it would have made me just admire her more if this was true.
Wow what a question. Hmmmm with the crazy looking body I have now that's a no brainer, hell to the naw I wouldn't strip. Wouldn't nobody want me to strip lol!!! Now if I had a slammin' body and that question was posed to me then hmmmm MAYBE :-)
I don't know either way but I feel that is such a temptation. Money makes the world go round is what I know for sure though.
Your question reminds me of so many naughty things. Nice post.
Like what Chris Rock said, "if you're in your 40s, your body belongs to your man (and your man alone should see it)".
I'm turning 40 soon. I'll claim the privilege.
Besides, if I strip, it'll surely be a comedy movie. Or horror.
If Jennifer did turn it down for the reason stated, I'll love her more. It does make a difference if she is a part of a movie that promotes nudity.
For $3 million , I would strip naked and do a hand stand through downtown Chicago and sing its raing men at the same time.
I would have wanted to, but I'd have turned it down. She doesn't want to be associated with or show support for something that goes against her faith or what she believes is right and good. Her reward will be much greater to her than $3 mill, she's got her eyes on the bigger prize. Good girl.
Jesus and Jennifer don't play!
As Christians, we know that there are consequences of being associated with a film that promotes anything less than our standards. Most importantly, we are a reflection of the company we keep.
LOL@ Ruben, but if I had it like that, I would be banging the drum and cart wheeling right along side him...
If she is not the one getting naked I do not see the problem.
Miss Rose, I would strip but only if it was in the best intention of the movie. If it's for a cheap thrill to titillate the viewers I wouldn't do it.
BUT, lets say it comes on the heels of a sex scene and for instance I'm heading towards the bathroom and it's a fleeting moment where my form is shown but its in motion with shadows and nice lighting, sure. I'd do it.
As long as it's not cheaply done. Cheap nude scenes come across as cheap nude scenes. If a director respects the beauty of the human body, with the curves and musculature showing, it can be done very artsy and well.
In the right hands, it will look great and won't come across cheap.
I'd be sad (briefly) at the loss of the money, but I'd turn it down.
Oh, this is a good one. I have so many thoughts running through my head right now, more than half of which I can't share. Anyhoo, I'd take the money and run. What the other actor is doing in the film is their business and not mine.
I think it's admirable that Jennifer has a strong moral and Christian code. She doesn't just talk the talk but actually walks the walk (unlike a lot of folks). Good for her! I agree with Kathi -- her eyes are on the bigger prize/a bigger reward. May the Lord continue to bless her
i have to agree w/ u.. i wouldnt strip.. but someone else doing it doesnt really affect me.. but i can respect her decision...
Jennifer has said the reason she turned down the movie is she feels her fans have waited long enough for her album & that's where she's concentrating her energy right now. I think that's what Anonymous was referring to.
Would I, being a Christian, have accepted the role? My line of thinking is like Luke's. What is the intention? Why is it important to the plot that I or anyone else for that matter is naked? Personally, I would say no with tha quickness (thinking with my current body LOL) but even with my "other body", I would've been too shy for all dat.
To strip? Sure. For someone else to strip? Sure. At the same time, I recognize that different people have different ideas about this issue. It's almost a shame that this is a rumor because I liked the fact that she was sticking to her guns if she felt this strongly about it.
Ha to Ruben's response. If someone else was doing the stripping and it wasn't me, I'd so pocket that 3 million. As for me stripping...hmmm, maybe 5 million..:-)
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