Girl Gone Wild!

Britney shaves her head, show her private in public, slurs and throw up on folks she is dating and we watches as she destroy herself and her career. Is it drugs, depression over her marriage or a girl gone wild? Can she be saved?
I thank God that my daughter is not impressed by Britney, Paris, Lindsey and Nicole. Thank goodness there are some young stars that respect themselves and are moving to better things and shows responsibility like Raven Simone, Hilary Duff, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Alicia Keys and Ciara. There are many more young women who respect themselves, even the Destiny Child Duo stayed out of the negative limelight. But it is the bad one that gets the attention from impressionable teens and that is too bad. I wish young girls would ignore the girls gone wild and focus on building their own self esteem. What a waste of talent and opportunity!

We saw Anna Nicole come undone right before our eyes and now we are seeing Britney Spears do the same thing. What’s a parent to do when you need to save your child from destruction? When some kids have too much privilege and too much money, why do they lose their way?

I think Britney can definitely be saved and we shouldn't write her off yet. I read today that her mom has flown out to LA to be with her. Lets hope she can help her to sort herself out.
I have become a *huge* fan of Raven Simone for this very reason.
She just needs a big old hug. Sadly, I do feel like I am watching her have a breakdown. It's sad when the people around you are afraid to tell you the truth and tell you "no, don't go there" all so that they can stay on the gravy train and keep their meal ticket intact.
Where's that girl's momma? From what I've seen in the past, I thought her and her mom were close.
Sometimes I wonder if Brittany isn't having a fabricated meltdown/breakdown. She seems to be suffering from a narcisstic disorder, and my take on her is that she can't stand not being front and center in the celebrity headlines! Anna Nicole has grabbed her spotlight and she's trying to get it back. Whatever her reasoning for the buzz's definitely a cry for attention!
Who knew that britney starred in anna's new movie, costarring Arnold and Michael Jackson?
Illegal Aliens Attack Britney
It's certainly a cry for help or attention. Either way, she needs objective observation and guidance.
She needs a break...a clean break in the back country with some old folks to set her straight. I'm thinking outhouse and well water!
Oh, and a few Sunday sermons would do wonders for her.
She needs a BIG break and some good old loving. And the damn media needs to pull back.
lol at rosemarie!
I think Britney was too over-exposed, too overly-sexualized at too young of an age. There are a lot of rumors that she was/is heavily into drugs. For years now. I am not saying she is beyond help, but I think her maturity and judgement are definitely impaired.
It's breakin my heart. I honestly believe that the difference between the way many of these young stars turn out has to do with their parents. So many of these kids parents get as excited and out of control as the their kid when thing start going well and the money comes in. Thank God for the parents that keep their kids grounded.
You are blessed with your daughter, and she is blessed with you.
its pretty sad isnt it
whats even worse is that she's the mother of two young kids, now that really really hurts your heart
You know, when I saw the emphasis on how Britney shaved her head, I thought "Oh great, now a whole slew of impressionable teens are going to shave their heads."
I wish the stars who were living a positive life could get just as much exposure as those who stay in trouble...
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