I hate showing these pictures but I am doing so to make a point. There is a thing about being too sexy to the point of exposing your body problems. But stars like Brittany Spears, Toni Braxton, Beyonce’ and others are beginning to look overexposed and unsexy to the public because they are looking tacky now. Some pictures were just too trifling to even post.
Oof! Unsexy, indeed! Sometimes less is more.
I have to say that my husband's Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition arrived yesterday, and Beyonce looks adorable/incredible. Those photos are carefully done without anything "popping out," though.
I wish people would realize that it is far sexier to conceal than reveal.
My dad always said "you have to leave something to the Imagination"
Oh my goodness gracious!! I'm just, uhmmmm, speechless.
You know, Rhapsody I have heard that too.
We also received the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition in our office last week. I thought it was very inappropriate for a middle and high school at-risk Girl's Program so I gave it away.
Rose, I saw a magazine sometime last year that revealed some undesirable pictures of popular supposed sexy stars too.
You should have seen how my mouth dropped wide open when I saw those pictures!! I mean...I can't believe it!! Why in the world...???
That's so sad.
I'll leave it at that.
I saw the Sports Illustrated spread on Beyonce and it was done very tasteful. But this other stuff is too much. Where's the modesty of todays women, the respect of self?
Seem like we all have a price but I ain't paying to the highest bidder are you?
I agree 100%. This is not sexy ... it's slutty. Big difference.
Women of today don't seem to know what really being sexy is. Have they ever heard of mystery and always leave them wanting more???
Nasty! Don't they have any sense?
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