I am so honored that my friend Pobble http://bostonpobble.blogspot.com/ nominated me for the thinking man’s blog. I started my blog as a way to ventilate and deal with all the stuff that floats in my head. I can be very opinionated but I can change my views with intelligent and well debated conversations. That’s why I love to read blogs; it gives me ideas about how people view the world. I have to now write a blog and nominate five bloggers.
Here are the rules...1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote

Raising African American Children
Take for instance a conversation that I heard today. I was listening to 95.5 FM radio with DJ Michael Basiden and he was talking to Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu, a nationally known author, and expert in developing positive images, etc., in African American teens. One young man alled in 19 years old with a 7-month daughter, said that he was struggling, and living with his girlfriend after having dropout of high school.
As Dr. Kunjufu and DJ Michael talked to him it was disclosed that the young man’s father has been incarcerated since he was 2, and his mother on and off in jail for years. It made you think, who’s raising the kids when all the parents are on drugs, in jail or missing in action. Well, the Dr. felt that the discussion centered on role modeling. It was his belief that when our children lack proper role models who do they have to immulate when in school there is such a shortness of African American male teachers as well as in the home. So the young male does not have a role model at home and no one at school. All he has are the drug dealers and rappers who slapped women on the butt and down grade them. The same with girls. Without fathers or a male figure in their lives who are positive, they seek out any attention, drawing in the thug who leads them down the wrong path, etc.
To make a long story short- they asked the called a lot of questions and encouraged him to go back to school to at least get his GED. Through the conversation, it was learned that he had tried but did not pass the Literature and Math sessions of the test. The DJ asked him to go back and he would pay out of his own pockets for special tutors.
To make a long story short- they asked the called a lot of questions and encouraged him to go back to school to at least get his GED. Through the conversation, it was learned that he had tried but did not pass the Literature and Math sessions of the test. The DJ asked him to go back and he would pay out of his own pockets for special tutors.
He further stated that we can’t expect others to help our children; we have to do it ourselves and put our money where our mouth is. I totally agree. That saying, "I got mines- you need to get yours" does not work in this day and age. These teens need us to step up and show them the way. But we can’t expect the government to save our children-saving comes from the community.
Role modeling is important. I remember who stimulated me. It was my father and mother. It was my first grade teacher Ms. Money Dent. I wanted to be like her. Even now when I see her she is as beautiful as she was and as youthful now as way back then. I told her why I came to school everyday. It was because of her and her love for teaching us. So maybe this thing about role modeling is very important to the success of our children.
Now I tag:
Rosemarie: http://ruhoffman.blogspot.com/
Now I tag:
Rosemarie: http://ruhoffman.blogspot.com/
I love reading this blog. Rosemarie makes her posts interactive. She sponsors games, book clubs, swapping ideas, and general conversations about everything. Plus she is down to earth, a Christian and just a beautiful personality.
Luke Cage: http://www.fantasybeyond.com/blogger.html
This is a hot spot where you can find interesting conversation on a variety of life issues, entertainment issues, and plenty of other everyday stuff.
Chele’s: http://cheleinva.wordpress.com/
Chele is an author and it’s easy to see why. She writes about her life in retrospective not in a negative way. She let’s the reader into her life and you buy into what she has to say because she is a versatile writer. You are interested in her because she is honest and friendly and you feel at home reading her blogs, because you know that she is just like you in many ways.
Hassan : http://blackisms.blogspot.com/
Hassan rants and raves about his life, his travels, politics, sex, relationships and a host of other topics. What is special about his blog is that he is a strong African American male who is not afraid to say, I’m sorry or I was wrong. He writes with intensity.
Princess Dominique: http://www.princessdominique.com/blog/
This is another entertainment, clothes and shoes blog. Ms. Dominique also shares her thoughts on many other issues. A very successful author of many books, she never fails to introduce her readers to a myriad of topics and discussions.
This is a hot spot where you can find interesting conversation on a variety of life issues, entertainment issues, and plenty of other everyday stuff.
Chele’s: http://cheleinva.wordpress.com/
Chele is an author and it’s easy to see why. She writes about her life in retrospective not in a negative way. She let’s the reader into her life and you buy into what she has to say because she is a versatile writer. You are interested in her because she is honest and friendly and you feel at home reading her blogs, because you know that she is just like you in many ways.
Hassan : http://blackisms.blogspot.com/
Hassan rants and raves about his life, his travels, politics, sex, relationships and a host of other topics. What is special about his blog is that he is a strong African American male who is not afraid to say, I’m sorry or I was wrong. He writes with intensity.
Princess Dominique: http://www.princessdominique.com/blog/
This is another entertainment, clothes and shoes blog. Ms. Dominique also shares her thoughts on many other issues. A very successful author of many books, she never fails to introduce her readers to a myriad of topics and discussions.
YAY! I'll check out the links.
Congratulations! You so deserve it, and your following is a clear indication that you have vented in a constructive manner that keeps us all comin' back!
Thank you! You blessed my socks off!
PS I’ll talk more about you on my post!
Rose you do make me think and offer great insights as well. Congrats on your award.
You deserve that Rose. Coming back after 'ages', I find your site as refreshing as ever.
Yes, you are a thinking blogger, and a talented writer as well.
This is an interesting promotion making its way around. A good source of kinship.
My compliments, during my long absence your project has continued to prosper. As the mood strikes, we have begun publishing anew at Ladies, Goddesses and Bitches.
I will look forward to reconnecting with you.
You always make me think.
And now I must reciprocate.
Thanks Rose!
Wow! Good for you luv. Very deserving and thank you for the nomination. Geez, you've got me up there with some heavyweights!
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