Could you do this?
Could you sit around naked only in paint? They did. They are painted. I like Monique. She is a beautiful person. Monique is on the couch in the middle.
Do you have the confidence to love yourself in spite of your flaws?

I admire Monique. She is an amazing personality. What I like most about her is that she is not ashame of her weight. Most people are. I think she is absolutely beautiful. I believe that when you are confident about yourself, you elude beauty. I like that she takes a stand to support overweight women and doesn't run from the limelight because of her own weight issues.
So confident and positive about herself, she is making other women who have flaws feel good about themselves. What a lady!
Gorgeous picture. I love her, too. She's very real and honest.
I agree, Rose. She is beautiful and I enjoy her. I love people who can make me laugh, smile, the whole nine yards.
I felt the same way about Mo when she first came to national attention. However, its getting to the point that ALL she seems to talk about is weight which makes me wonder if indeed she does have issues with her body image even if the rest of the world seems to have embraced her just as she is. The body paint photo is beautiful!
she definitely is a positive sister.
I think it's beautiful. I dont know if I'm ready to go starkers with the paint yet, but it's a beautiful concept.
Lover her to death...
Honestly, I probably would not be comfortable, but I say 'go on' to those that are.
I feel the same way about Mo. She's doing her thing and is proud of who she is. You have to love that in a person. I believe she talks about weight, because it's an issue and there are a lot of women who aren't in the same place she is when it comes to accepting her weight. There are more women who still need help in accepting that fact.
I could never do this! She's an incredible person. She needs to have a heart to heart with Star Jones. Really! Did you see Phat Girlz? Loved it!
Add me to the list of Monique fans. She is the epitome of self love. I wish I had her confidence it's awesome to see.
No I could not, would not ever pose in the nude. She and those other women are courageous beyond belief and that's the truth.
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