What's in the Water?
There are some people who will do anything for those 15 minutes of fame. Take Jessica Hahn of the Jim and Tammy Baker fame, I had to turn the television off because she was so sickening. When did she have an affair with Jim, 20 years ago? Okay tell me why she waited until Tammy died to cry about forgiveness. When Mary from ET asked if she called Tammy over the years she said no. So why in the heck are you sitting on TV crying about you wished you had talked to her? Everybody knew she had cancer and was dying, so you wait until she dies and then do an interview. She wanted to be on TV. I hate when people do that fake cry when all she had to do was reach out. She just wanted to be on television. She needed that last 15 minutes of fame. What’s in the water people?
Another thing! Scary Spice and that crazy lawyer, Gloria Allred, on television planning to sue Eddie Murphy cause he haven’t been to see his child. Stay off the television and out of magazines ragging on him, and then maybe he’ll do the right thing by his child. I hate when a man takes his anger out on a baby when he is so angry at the mother. But if she shut up. I'm sure he'll do the right thing for his child. You know how men are, when they get mad. If she just chill for a minute, he'll come forward. But this woman is going around saying that after 4 months of dating, they planned to have a child. Was this man so in love after four months that he wanted a child with her even though he already has five? Yeah right! She wants her fifteen minutes of fame back. What’s in the water people?
Eddie Murphy and Tracy Edmonds are in love. Ain’t nothing wrong with that plus he has picked one of Hollywood’s brightest, richest, smartest and most beautiful. Tracy Edmonds is a Stanford graduate with a degree in Engineering. Owning her own real-estate company with her mother, she met and married the quiet and shy Baby Face. A music mogul, he has written more number one songs than, well anybody. He and his wife built a huge empire with Soul Food movie and the TV series. Look the lady up. Impressive record of success for someone who was not in the Hollywood arena, Eddie chose a winner.
Now people are saying Eddie is gay. I read his ex-wife interview in Ebony Magazine. She was married what 13 years leaving him because she said that Eddie was a homebody, extremely shy and wanted to sit in the house all the time. She wanted to travel, party and have fun. She said she decided to leave after Oprah’s Legend Ball, you know the one we all wanted to be invited to. But Eddie’s ex-wife said that he was a good husband and a loving father, just boring. She was hurt when she had to attend the Legend’s Ball alone so why stay with a man who didn’t do anything with her. So she left, a very rich woman may I say. But more power to love and all that jazz. But what’s so funny is this, Tracy’s ex-husband is just like Eddie. I read in Sister to Sister, his interview or hers, can’t remember which one, but it said that he was a homebody and not a club/dance person, sticking close to home. This should be interesting.
Finally, Usher and Tameka! What is it about this woman that bothers me? Trust me it is not about her age because age ain’t nothing but a number. But if the rumors are true she left her three kids with her ex-husband to be with Usher. First, Usher should rethink a woman so willing to be with a man that she leaves her minor children. Plus how could he ever trust her when he was sexing her while she was married and he was in a live-in relationship with Chili of TLC? Another thing, his mother can’t stand the woman. Now that’s something to think about. Usher and his mother were super close until this woman came into the picture. What’s in the water, people?
R Kelly court date is finally upon him? Will he be convicted of sexual abuse of a minor? Or will he be set free because he is rich? Was it him in the video? Was the video doctored? Was the girl fifteen? Whatever this will be something to watch. What’s in the water, people?
A purse for $42,000! It must be so nice to spend that on a purse because you are so rich. Beyonce is carrying this Louis Vuitton bag. My daughter thinks it ugly. When I see it I think, you can purchase a 2007 Lexus 300 for the same amount she paid for that purse. What’s in the water, people?

Now people are saying Eddie is gay. I read his ex-wife interview in Ebony Magazine. She was married what 13 years leaving him because she said that Eddie was a homebody, extremely shy and wanted to sit in the house all the time. She wanted to travel, party and have fun. She said she decided to leave after Oprah’s Legend Ball, you know the one we all wanted to be invited to. But Eddie’s ex-wife said that he was a good husband and a loving father, just boring. She was hurt when she had to attend the Legend’s Ball alone so why stay with a man who didn’t do anything with her. So she left, a very rich woman may I say. But more power to love and all that jazz. But what’s so funny is this, Tracy’s ex-husband is just like Eddie. I read in Sister to Sister, his interview or hers, can’t remember which one, but it said that he was a homebody and not a club/dance person, sticking close to home. This should be interesting.

Jessica - Just down right wrong!
Scary Spice - I definitely wouldn't be putting my business out there like that. The whole world doesn't need to know my child's father isn't showing her any love.
Eddie & Tracy - Tracy is definitely a winner for any man. I'm not sure about them being in love, though. He was just with Scary and now he's in love with Tracy? I thought he was SUPPOSED to have been in love with Scary? I'on know bout this one.
Tamika & Usher - I thought the relationship was supect from the beginning when he fired his mom as his manager an hired Tamika. If it aint broke, don't fix it. Also, from the reports I've seen, the girl is scandalous; hiding who she is and trying to cover her past from Usher. I'm eager to know how all of this will finally play out.
R. Kelly - This will be interesting; Will he even go to trial? I know it's scheduled for September 7th, but you know how things can turn around. Even if he does go, you think he'll be convicted?
Beyonce - I'm with you Rose. That Lexus would look a heck of a lot better on me than that ugly purse would.
Jessica ~ I didn't even know she milked this. I shouldn't be surprised of course...
Scary Spice ~ I'm mixed about this one so I'd rather not comment. Not that I don't want to chime in, I'm just not sure how I feel about it and you know me, if I'm not sure, I keep my mouth shut.
Eddie and Tracy ~ See above comment.
Tamika and Usher ~ If you have a good relationship with your parents, your family, your friends, whomever, and they Really Don't Like the person you're bringing around LISTEN UP. You're missing something.
R Kelley ~ I really hope he doesn't get off of this one because he's rich. Because the tapes were doctored, the girl was of age, it wasn't him ~ then fine. He shouldn't do time. If it was him...kids should matter more than rich.
Beyonce ~ I cannot even imagine having so much money I could spend $42000 on a PURSE. And I can imagine A LOT.
Jessica Hahn could have done better.
Eddie Murphy was trash for talking bad about that woman while she was pregnant with his kid, before she said one word about it. He was running his mouth to that Dutch journalist. And if she said nothing he would have done right by her? I'll buy that for a dollar.
As for Tracey Edmonds, I got two words: COLLEGE HILL. Who would produce that trash? Who would publicly date a man who publicly insulta a woman who could be carrying his child? She might have the credentials, but when it comes to class and character, I don't know how much of a "prize" she is. That might REALLY make them compatible, after all.
It is possible that Eddie is on the rebound, bouncing around with a broken heart. Remember he said it himself that the divorce was so painful that had it not been for Dreamgirls- he doesn't know what he would have done. Maybe he thinks he love her.
Bostonpobble: yep, Jessica tried to milk it.
I understand your feelings about Eddie and Tracy. But I just hate to see folks put their stuff out like that. I keep seeing her everywhere, geez, let the man step up. All men will not step up, we know that from statistics but we don't know what went down with them both- something happened that's for sure. Hopefully he'll take care of his responsibility-well he will- the courts will see to that- but hopefully he'll take an interest in his beautiful daughter- when the situation is outta of the media.
TJ you know Tracy is not the only woman who supported a man in that position who said something negative- most women do stand by their men- here lately- she said that Eddie will do the right thing by his child. I've never watched College Hill but I've seen some of her other work and it was just as good quality wise as some of these other tv shows and movies out her.
It's possible I'm looking at this from another stance. My brother was married to a woman for four years- when she told him she was pregnant. He was in the Marines and she was here doing her thing. Well, he was so happy until he had to have a blood test that revealed he was not the father.. the pain he went through in that situation...so the more I see her on tv and in the magazines- force feeding the baby to him and then calling a press conference to file a law suit-geez just file a law suit-don't call a conference. Is she really concerned about her baby or just need the media attention? Let me step down off my soapbox-ya'll know I see things differently----
You know, none of us really knows what is going on with those three, well except those three. They are all probably somewhat shady. LOL.
I don't read or pay any attention to celebrity stuff, most of what you said was brand new stuff to me. I wasn't even aware that Tammy Fae had died. I'd seen her interview on Larry King, but I just don't have the tv on and never read or watch celebrity news. Now I know why, crazy stuff.
You know, I have been on my job for 24 years and I remember when there were so many pregnant co-workers running around there at one time -- I used to say the same thing "What's in the water." I enjoyed reading your post.
As a fan of Eddie -- I was bent out of shape with his "baby mama" demanding a fortune for child support. Greed -- that's all it is.
I wonder why Usher called off the wedding and then days later, he ties the knot -- strange
In the circumstances in which you are talking -- it sounds to me like Satan has decided to jump in the water and take a swim.
I think the media lets us see the worst in people because the best doesn't make for good tv or print media.
I'd say large doses of stupidity are in the water. *smh*
Jessica...help us Jesus!
Tracy going for the same type of man. That happens a lot. Sometime we women can't get out of the cycle.
Beyonce and a $42,000 purse?!
Something has to be in the water.
It's not the water... It's in the air and we're all breathing it.
Why is R Kelly still on the radio?
She wasn't allegedly 15 but 13.
She is now 22 years old. Can she lead a normal life? Can she have a healthy sexuality?
If he did it, I'm sure he's not the only culprit that led to her even being in contact with him and I hope God has already begun to punish whoever else is responsible. If he didn't do it, fine. But if he did, they need to put that man under the jail.
Tracey is on the cover of Jet, announcing her engagement to Eddie.
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