The Power of the Cell Phone
Cell phones can be quite dangerous in the wrong hands if you dare to put too much information in it. For instance, on Saturday I went to use my phone and found that it had charged down too low to make a call, so I asked to use someone’s phone for a second. To my surprise, I pushed the wrong button and the camera came on with the first picture being that of a huge penis. With shocked registered on my face, the cell phone owner laughed.
She said, “It’s not my husband’s penis but my boyfriends. I was over his house while his wife was on a business trip. I told him to take it out and let me take a picture and he did.”
“What if your husband uses your cell?” I asked.
“Oh, please! He doesn’t know about this one. My special friend got it for me so that we can stay in touch. This way neither of our spouses will find out about us.”
What balls! My bad…..
But isn’t that as bold as they come? First to be having an affair and you are both married. Second to have a shot of your lovers’ penis in your cell phone and thirdly to discuss it and show it to me a person who just happen to know you and your husband.
Finally, I thought didn’t her mother tell her to never discuss your man’s sexual prowess with another woman. It was said if you bragged about their ability the woman you are telling may just want to find out if it is true. Even though she only showed me the penis, never discussing how the man actually performed in bed. Now if I was the type of woman out on the stroll, manless, and looking for some loving, that would be the penis I wanted to find. Yep, I said it. But I am not that kind of person. I have been faithful 23 years. (That's a long time!) Still, this woman as I told her, might be heading for some trouble. After all the evidence of what she is doing is in her cell phone. People need to be careful about what they put in these cell phones because incriminating stuff have a way of getting out to the very person you don’t want to find out about it.
She said, “It’s not my husband’s penis but my boyfriends. I was over his house while his wife was on a business trip. I told him to take it out and let me take a picture and he did.”
“What if your husband uses your cell?” I asked.
“Oh, please! He doesn’t know about this one. My special friend got it for me so that we can stay in touch. This way neither of our spouses will find out about us.”
What balls! My bad…..
But isn’t that as bold as they come? First to be having an affair and you are both married. Second to have a shot of your lovers’ penis in your cell phone and thirdly to discuss it and show it to me a person who just happen to know you and your husband.
Finally, I thought didn’t her mother tell her to never discuss your man’s sexual prowess with another woman. It was said if you bragged about their ability the woman you are telling may just want to find out if it is true. Even though she only showed me the penis, never discussing how the man actually performed in bed. Now if I was the type of woman out on the stroll, manless, and looking for some loving, that would be the penis I wanted to find. Yep, I said it. But I am not that kind of person. I have been faithful 23 years. (That's a long time!) Still, this woman as I told her, might be heading for some trouble. After all the evidence of what she is doing is in her cell phone. People need to be careful about what they put in these cell phones because incriminating stuff have a way of getting out to the very person you don’t want to find out about it.
It's apparent she wanted to tell you about the affair. It was just happenstance that you saw the "goods."
My husband and I have been faithful coming up on our eleventh year. Congratulations Rose on 23!
I believe being unfaithful is a cowardly and selfish act.
Wow. It is amazing the things that folks have on their cell phones.
Dayum Rosie! Thanks for the tip. Clearing out all of those incriminating photomagraphs now! ;)
See folks who think they cannot get caught, get caught. What if she has an accident and her husband goes to the car and finds the phone. That is an extreme case.
There are so many what-if scenarios in which she can get caught by his spouse or her own. SMH. God don't like ugly and He can reveal what He wants to others.
A "secret" cell WITH "SOUVENIR" PHOTOS? Now when you see them on the news, don't be surprised. LOL.
Ew. Who wants to see that? TMI. Also, she is married? I hate when people make a mockery of marriage by flaunting their affairs.
She's an idiot. Hope you used used some good hand sanitizer after giving her the phone back.
I think I would have been so mortified seeing that on someone's phone. Then again, I'm a fuddy-duddy. I barely use my cell phone, now getting a prepaid one makes it really easy and cheap! I have nothing important on it, so I guess I'm safe in that regard. What a story!!!
Lord have mercy.
She wanted you to know.
OMG, I'd have never guessed that one.
Cell phones and illicit sexual escapades. Strange bedfellows or not?
I believe everyone knows someone who may be carrying two or more cell phones, each for a special someone. Somewhere along the way, we lost sight of the moral highground.
I agree with you, people should be careful about what they put on their cell phone!! I'm so glad that I don't have a camera phone. I don't believe in all that technology crap on these cell phones, like cameras and mp3 players. The only thing I want to use my cell phone for is talking and text messaging.
Teman saya pernah terkena kutil kelamin di sekitar bibir vaginanya, sangat mengerikan. di sekitar vagina tersebut di tumbuhi daging kaya kutil dan itu banyak sekali pokoknya menakutkan sekali. Tapi setelah minum obat Penyakit kutil kelamin wanita dari herbal, dalam waktu 2 hari sudah kering. Mantap banget virus HPV ini sehingga nanti kedepannya khsusunya untuk kaum pria dapat menjaga diri agar terhindar dari penyakit ini obat alternatif herbal paling manjur
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