Wednesday, May 02, 2007

What A Day!

I had the honor I suppose of chauffeuring my niece and her date to the prom. Initially I was upset with my niece because I felt that she did not plan her prom correctly. First she asked her boyfriend to take her and he said no. He did not want to attend so she dumped him and asked another boy from another school. Now this is setting her up for a second prom which she’ll need a whole new set of clothing for this, knowing her parents could not afford two proms, one week apart. Then she requested to drive her brothers’ new car and he agreed. That is until he found out that she had to drive across the bridge over the Mississippi River and she just passed the driver’s test one month ago. She never told him she would have to drive through construction 15 minutes away to another city with limited behind the wheel driving. So one week before the prom he changed his mind. Then no one wanted to rent a car for her because she really is not a good driver and only drove once in six months from the time she received her permit to the day she got her license. Family members were worried that she would have an accident and nobody wanted that on their hearts. Three days before prom she was riding with another couple who failed to come through with the limousine that she was going to help pay for. She totally screwed things up. On the day of the prom, she called to say that she did not have an evening purse. This after we (her mom, granny and I) had purchased the prom dress, shoes, graduation dress and shoes & purse, and her graduation pinning ceremony dress and shoes. Mind you this after graduation fees, pictures, and so much more stuff that had to be purchased.

The day of the prom we ran around trying to get her a camera, the evening purse, and she wanted to change her jewelry. I was quite pissed. I agreed to drive her and the date to the prom several days earlier. Her brother would pick them up. Needless to say, everything worked out well. I had the car washed, waxed and cleaned and really worked it for them. They were proud and folks must have really thought I was the hired hand. All I was missing was the Chauffeurs’ cap. My niece and her date sat in the back and as I looked through the rear view mirror I saw the biggest smile on her face. She was happy! Job well done. Hopefully soon I'll get the real pictures. My digital camera was low on charge.

my niece Nikina and her date's and his mother


Shai said...

LOL. I am laughing at the fact that even if your niece made plans something would have happened. Prom time is a nervous time. I remember all the things were planned out and still stuff happened.

I am getting nervous because my only child's prom is next year. Geez.

Miz JJ said...

You are a good aunty. I am not sure I would have been doing all that for my niece. I think her backside is too spoiled as it is.

Clare said...

Your niece looks fabulous Rose and she is lucky to have such a kind aunt. I hope she appreciated all the work you all put in to make the night a success for her.

TJ said...

Your neice looks lovely. Like Clare, I hope she appreciates her family and what they have done for her.

Believer said...

Anything for family! You're a good auntie, and she loves you for every blessed thing you purchased and did to make it all work out.

She's beautiful! I clicked on the pics to see if they'd enlarge. Bummer!

Shai said...

I have to agree you are a good auntie.

Luke Cage said...

Gold star for miss Rose!

TDJ said...

You came through in a pinch like any good auntie! Glad they had a good time.

TTD said...

im w/ mizz jj.. ur a great aunt.. dont know if i'd be doing ALL that u did.. but it was very sweet of u..

and thank u.. ur niece looks very lovely.. im happy to say that i wont be seeing her on the ghetto prom pics that i get emailed :-)

kathi said...

You are such a blessing! I wish my kids had an aunt like you in their lives.

BostonPobble said...

Sounds LOVELY ~ even if she was annoying. LOL

Stephen A. Bess said...

Beautiful photo. Takes me back to 1984. :) Wow...I'm getting old.

Dr. Deb said...

What beautiful photos. How fun!

Shawn said...

sounds like an adventure. don't you just love prom? and graduation? in young adults that need you to plan and coordinate everything?

Anonymous said...

I love this time of the year for the kids. Well not that my pocket loves it but to see young people in the prime of their little lives makes me totally nostalgic. Good job auntie Rose. You know one day she is going to look back on this time in her life and she will think of you with much love and gratitude.

princessdominique said...

That's sweet. I love the pictures. I didn't attend mine.

Anonymous said...

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