Most bloggers who are regular readers know that I have worked with teens for years in a personal quest to education, to support and to encourage them to pursue their dreams and goals. Some of them have been through experiences much too much for their young years while others struggle to deal with depression, parents who are substance abusers and so many other problems too many to name.
Since I work with teenagers, I also include those in my personal life. Take for instance Edward Booker. He is a nephew who was experiencing many issues that saddened him. I asked him to journal his feelings as I do many teens. From his experiences he wanted to write a fictional account of a young boy much like himself to help other teens. From that desire to help others he presented to me a story he named, A Hole in My Heart. Impressed with the story, I asked him to keep writing and he did. I assisted him in the flow, character development and timelines. I also wrote some as a character. But the book is mostly written by him.
A regular reader and my blogging pal Rosemarie is starting an on-line book club and selected, A Hole in My Heart as the first book for the month of June. I am grateful that she wanted to do that and happy that readers should they participate, will have an opportunity to hear the words of a 14-year old boy who longs to have a positive relationship with his mother. Due to the struggles that he and his sister go through they end of living with their grandma who taught him that prayer changes things.
A Hole in My Heart
A story of anger, redemption and reconciliation
A teenager battles his own demons while hoping to get back the mother he once knew
“Darrius walked toward the kitchen with tears
streaming down his face. Sometimes Darrius hated her
and wished she were not his mother. He wished he knew
who his daddy was. He’d asked her so many times.”
A Hole in My Heart is set in the authors’ hometown of East St. Louis, Illinois. It addresses the gripping impact that drugs can have on the entire family, especially children. What makes this story especially gripping is that it is told through the eyes of an adolescent. Darrius is African-American. He lives in a community where drugs, self-hatred and poverty are not uncommon. Still, his poignant story appeals to readers of all socio-economic backgrounds. A Hole in My Heart is a story of faith and hope.
Thank you Edward and Rose for creating a voice for youth who strive for better brighter days through the power of good godly influence and prayer.
As a woman who never knew her own father, and struggled with poverty and other issues, I look forward to this read for different reasons.
I look forward to Rose's questions and Edward's input this coming month.
Miscellaneous Matters
The book looks really interesting. I might have to take a peek at the book club.
I'm So In this book club! :)
Wow! Kudos to you and your nephew for putting out such a positive story. He should be very proud of himself for having the initiative to write a book at such a tender age! To the top of the best sellers list for him! :-)
rosemarie is pretty cool and I'm really glad that she's helping Edward to share his story.
What an amazing young man to take on this and see it through. You must be very proud of him.
Congratulations, Rose. I've been meaning to stop by and say that. What a huge accomplishment.
I want to purchase this for my twin sons.
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