Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Mad as Hell!

I met a lot of folks who have the nastiest attitude I have ever seen. Sometimes when they act up or explode you wonder why they came out of a bag like that. Until this week when something pissed me off so bad that I blew my lid. It was coming! The anger, the resentment, the pain of feeling like when you give your best it is still not enough. I did something I have never done before. My niece who I proudly chauffeured to the prom and have supported most of her life on everything that was important to her pissed me off so bad that before I knew it I literally hit her so hard I could have knocked her out.

I was trying to talk to her and she did not like what I was saying. So she proceeded to close my car door while I was talking which I felt was totally disrespectful because she did not want to hear what I was saying. I was standing by the door. She was wearing a brand new white chiffon dress that I purchased for her to wear to a scholarship banquet. Well, she was trying to close the door and I said do not close the door on your dress. I knew that once the door closed on that white delicate dress, it was over. The child said something like forget this dress and slammed my door on it anyway. But she forgot the window was down before I knew it I reached into that window and battered that poor girl. She was shock, my mother was shocked and so was my daughter whose eyes showed the real shocked.

I work hard for every dollar I have and for her to literally destroy a dress because I was telling her something that she needed to hear that would help her was a little too much for me. Her totally disrespect for me, my money and for my mother was more than I could stand, her actions made me blow my lid. I know that I probably blew up because I was holding in so much already. I do not hit kids, youths or anyone because I am not abusive. I am not violent. I have always been a loving and caring person, but that was just the thing, the act that made me do the unthinkable. I am not her friend, her best bud, but her adult aunt who stood by her pushing her to excel, to finish school to become all that she can be. My information was not to hurt or harm her but to help her. There are some times when you can really understand why folks blow their lids. I know now, I have been there. No I don’t plan on that ever happening again.


Shai said...

I understand completely. I had to collar up my child.

How did she react after you got her?

Rose said...

She called someone on the phone crying and trying to get a pity party. I have talked to her twice since that day. Neither one of us mentioned what happened. She did not apologize and acts as if nothing happened. She graduates May 24. Teenagers can really be a trip!

BostonPobble said...

The one person you didn't mention was yourself ~ and I bet *you* were shocked, too. We all know this is uncharacteristic of you. We all know you are not going to hit another child. You may be okay with what happened and if so, good. If not, though, don't be too hard on yourself and work on letting it go. You're the best role model a girl could have.

I stopped by to let you know you've been tagged over at mine if you're interested.

Brotha Buck said...

Oh, youre about to make me mad, reminding me of my daughter when she was in high school. We had some verbal brawls, big time. But know that they grow up, and they change and that someday they crave your advise.

Believer said...

You're just good enough for the money that's all. She's not interested in your advice. Were her eyes rollin' and neck goin'? She had it coming to her!

I'm thinking your niece cannot be rewarded for bad behavior. She needs to earn benefits from Auntie Rose.

Believer said...

If you have a moment, I need your vote for Top Momma. Check it out! Yes, I have to ask and you'll see the shameless plea posted on Thursday.

Miscellaneous Matters

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit and I'm glad I rolled through. I post a featured author of the month and I'd like to read your books. Hit me up @ and let's see about getting you featured.

By the by a can of whup ass is always appropriate when disrespect is that blatant. Being abusive and using a corrective hand are too very different things. I be willing to bet dimes against dollars she will watch herself in the future.

Miz JJ said...

I think you are being too hard on yourself. That child sounds like a real piece of work. She should feel happy she has an aunty who wants to do stuff for her. Instead of being grateful she is feeling entitled.

Luke Cage said...

Tough love is necessary sometimes miss Rose. Not enough of that happens today. Please don't allow this to stress you out so.

Green tea said...

Hmmm, just wondering what you think about Rosie losing her cool
and leaving The View early?
Everyone has a breakingpoint, don't let it get you down..

TJ said...

Don't be too hard on yourself. Teenagers can test your nerves on the real. A lot of them have an entitlement thing, and if that doesnt get the grab a child/slap a child hormone pumping through your veins, nothing will. :)

for_the_lonely said...

Sending you love, Rose! Hope that you have been well! Hugs to ya!


Anonymous said...

Rose with all that stank attitude she had it coming. Yes teens and tweens are a hot mess these days and they don't get half the beatings we used to get back in the day and I'm talking discipline not abuse. If I only looked at my mother the wrong way, I had a hand in my face.

With all that you did for your niece, based on the utmost love that you have for her, she should be kissing your feet not pissing on them.

You need to talk to her to tell her you had no intentions on giving her the beatdown (that she needed btw)so she knows that you don't ever want to be disrespected like that again. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away. Make it clear, it won't happen again if she complies.

She may not like it but she BETTA recognize and respect your role in her little life. You are due an apology from her Rose.

Um that's my two cents worth.

kathi said...

Lord, have mercy. Wish I'd been there to hold her down for you.

Dr. Deb said...

I am amazed at how others conduct themselves. In my line of work, I see a range of behaviors. The nasty, rude and disrespectul ones get under my skin!

Hopefully it helps to see that there are many who feel the same way as do you, Rose.

Stephen A. Bess said...

Hey, I know my mother or aunts would've cold knocked me out. That's part of the way we were raised right or wrong.

Clare said...

She didn't apologise?? Don't be too hard on yourself Rose because from what you've said she had it coming.

Gina said...

Rose: with your concern and consideration, I would consider it a priveledge if you would come over her and snatch one or more of mine up. I actually take several deep breaths to keep from letting them remember who it is that is paying the bills and making it possible for them to shine...

Anonymous said...

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