Do you communicate well?
If your spouse, partner or lover wasn't touching you in the right place would you tell him or her?
Would you tell your spouse, partner or lover what turns you on?
If your spouse, partner or lover wasn't touching you in the right place would you tell him or her?
Would you tell your spouse, partner or lover what turns you on?
I've heard people say, if their partners don't get it right sexually, they'll find someone who can. That won't help the relationship. That person may not be able to please you either. Does communication really work doing sexually playtime?
I am a talker. I will tell you what I need. But if you are like me and you tell a person what they need to do to turn you on and they still did nothing, what would you do?
I am a talker. I will tell you what I need. But if you are like me and you tell a person what they need to do to turn you on and they still did nothing, what would you do?
I am a little too vocal, if there is a thing. Probably hurts me more than it helps.
I'm a very vocal gent, so please "beleev" that she will hear it from me. Can't be married and do the things we do without some form of communication when one of us isn't doing it right. You've got to speak out. Both parties. As to your question, compromise. If telling doesn't work, oh well there's probably something else that she or I could do better :)
:::Sigh::: I had this problem with my ex. I would try everyway imaginable to try and communicate my feelings. I didn't want to offend or degrade - I just wanted a change. Some people just can't be receptive. I would often begin by saying - "is there anything that you would like me to do more/less of - something that I'm missing?" NOTHING. So, now I have someone who can feel comfortable enough with me to communicate about everything - the good, the bad and the ugly. Funny thing - a man who can communicate like that is often very insightful/attentive and little needs to be FIXED/CHANGED.
COmmunication , however, is KEY. Without it - you're like strangers no matter how long you've been together.
My husband and I have no problem communicating in the bedroom. It's outside the bedroom that we have difficulty. Good lovin' holds it together!
that's a touchy topic.. i mean, if u really want to make things work w/ that person, and they werent doing it for u sexually.. u need to express ur concerns & wants.. luckily i dont have that problem ;-)
if talking doesn't help, perhaps you can show him.
Communication is key. If it ain't working, we gotta fix it. Now, some things can't be fixed or taught, but we've gotta try.
Teman saya pernah terkena kutil kelamin di sekitar bibir vaginanya, sangat mengerikan. di sekitar vagina tersebut di tumbuhi daging kaya kutil dan itu banyak sekali pokoknya menakutkan sekali. Tapi setelah minum obat Penyakit kutil kelamin wanita dari herbal, dalam waktu 2 hari sudah kering. Mantap banget virus HPV ini sehingga nanti kedepannya khsusunya untuk kaum pria dapat menjaga diri agar terhindar dari penyakit ini obat alternatif herbal paling manjur
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