I love to look at nature and to see its' magnificent beauty. When I lose my way and feel a little sad, watching the budding of a flower or the changing of a leaf makes me feel better. Even during the horrible storm that we recently went through, I could still look out my window and say, "Wow how beautiful."
My website designer Harry is also a photographer and he captured these pictures from the storm. Even though the storm killed more than 5 people, I can't help but marvel at its' beauty.
These are other pictures taken by the news media.
There were so many trees down that it looked like a tornado had hit us. But it was only the ice that was so heavy it made strong trees fall into electrical wires, homes, etc. A tree from a neighbors house crashed into my mothers' home. There is a gaping hole in her roof but they are okay. In times like these, you have to stay prayed up.
Nature helps me to find a renewed strength as well.
'Prayed up'
I got's to steal that.
And nature is a beautiful thing to capture on film/digital media.
It's unfortunate, but we always lose people in a season change.
Reminds me of winters back home in CT.
Weather is so crazy right now on the east coast that it's no telling how the winter season is going to turn out? Cool pictures! Enjoy your weekend.
Beautiful, yes. But I don't think I could handle the cold, so I think I'll continue living in GA.
'We go to nature to seek peace and beauty'. Something I read somewhere recently. Even in the midst of a winter storm, you can still find beauty.
Keeping you and your family in my prayers that all will remain well with you during this winter season.
Those pictures a beautiful! I am not looking forward to the winter, although I love how it looks outside the morning after a nice heavy snow.
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