Friday, December 11, 2009

Do you have the Christmas Spirit?

Are you looking forward to Christmas? Have you put up the Christmas tree and all the trimmings? I haven't. I feel a little bad about doing so with so many people suffering. I'm thinking about it but not having small kids, I just haven't felt the Christmas tree and trinkets thingy.

Do you have the Christmas Spirit?


TJ said...

I have some of my stuff out. I think I'll complete my decorating this weekend. I'm happy about this time of year. I think I've been a bit busy to get everything done, though. :)

BostonPobble said...

If you're not in the Christmas-y spirit, don't decorate. If, however, you aren't decorating because you feel bad for people suffering, let me add my 2 cents (or my buck fifty, as the case may be)...

As one of the people and part of a family who is suffering this year, I *want* you to decorate. The Christmas lights on people's homes and in their windows help lift my spirit. The carols and decorations and Santas of the malls are part of what is giving me even a little sense of the season. For me, you're not rubbing my nose in anything or showing off. You're reminding that this *is* a special time, even when it doesn't always feel like it in my heart. You're reminding me that, while this year may be tough, there have been good, beautiful years ~ and those will come again.

Plus, not decorating doesn't help me/us. You not enjoying the season to the fullest you can doesn't allow me to celebrate in any greater way. Misery does *not* enjoy company. Enjoy your holiday and allow me to enjoy the lights on your lawn and house as I take my evening walk with my sweetie. The glow of your tree in your window doesn't only make *you* smile. So, please, if you're not decorating for you, more power to you. But if you're not decorating for me and people like me, decorate. That's what will help.

Of course, that and a buck fifty...

Rose said...

TJ I am about to do the same per BostonPobble.

BostonPobble- you have made my day. I am going to put the trimnings out and try to enjoy.
Thank you. This means a lot to me-your reaching out to share the wonders of this time of year.

Dee said...

no decorations or anything this year
taking it down a notch but will definitely enjoy the church program next weekend

Shai said...

My only child is 19 now. Ironically, the tree broke when she had her last Christmas as a minor. So I am not much of a Christmas decoration person and she could care less.

This year I am giving handmade gifts mainly(crocheted garments) and a few other modest gifts. I have never been one to be extravagant and with the economy, I am really pulling back.