Monday, September 03, 2007

Things that make you go, What the Heck!

Toni Braxton's sister, Towanda has lost her freaking mind. What would make anyone go out in public like this? Why not just go completely nude? I bet her dad who is a preacher, is shaking his head somewhere wondering what happened.

Her jail picture for forging checks.

Vivica Fox Problem Fake Breast
If your fake breast erupts or flattens out in some spots, would you still feel compelled to wear a sexy dress exposing them? Looking at this stuff helps me with why our kids are giving up. I'm sure that she had this fixed by now. But jeez, what's up with these folks. Wear something less revealing and get it fixed before coming out in public.


Anonymous said...

That outfit is gross. She must not have mirrors in her house.

Believer said...

She's screaming for attention. Her snatch all out for everybody. NASTY! The prodigal daughter...let's pray she comes home soon!

Luke Cage said...

I saw that picture of Toni's sister making the rounds a couple of weeks ago via e-mail. I just laughed and shook my head. Whatever works to get attention I guess. And Vivica. Aahhh.. don't even bring that honey up to me. She "was" a gorgeous looking sister once. I don't know what state of mind she was in to get all of that crazy work done to herself.. Hiya Rose!

Shai said...

I don't think that is Towanda in the suit. It looks like Tamar. Towanda was on Starting Over.

TJ said...

She wrong for that outfit. Just plain wrong. And that vivica thing looks like it hurts.

Clare said...

OMG that outfit is awful!! It's the sort of thing a trashy z list celeb called Jodie Marsh would wear over here.

Dee said...

re Towanda
somehow I wonder if her family background is all it's cracked up to be. Even people who never set foot in a church don't seem to feel the need to dress like that.

re Vivica Fox
if I paid good money for implants I would show them off. It's like if you just bought new glasses and the frames got bent but mostly they were still good. Some people would wear them for a while before trying to change them.
She's just going for her money's worth.

kathi said...

Possibly the cheapest piece of clothing I've ever seen. So sad.

Organized Noise said...

My co-worker tried to e-mail those pics to me earlier this week, but I couldn't open them. That is so disgusting. I like a little mystery in my women. Don't give me everything up front. That's just nasty.

Trenting said...

All I can say is "WOW" What on earth are they thinking..

Drea Inspired said...

That top picture actually looks more like Tony rather than Towanda, but it's crazy what some people will do to be noticed.

Vivica is a sad case with the plastic surgery.

Michelle said...

Sad, how desperate women are for attention...especially celebs who seemingly have everything going for them and the world at their feet!

*Waving* Hi, Rose!

Anonymous said...

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