Good Girl Gone Bad
In my family I was always perceived as the good girl, you know the one that never gets into trouble, the one the parents could always count on and the one who always submitted her home work on time. My parents were never called to the schools I attended because of negative things but mom was always there to see me perform as a majorette, drill team member and even as a pom pom girl. But in elementary, junior and senior high and even in college I never did anything to get into trouble. I was the so-called good child.
Except when I was 2-years old and decided to go upstairs and remove the screen from the window, climbed onto the roof and decided I wanted to jump. Poor mom saw me while she was hanging clothes on the line and a little voice instructed her not to scream but to gently talk me into staying right there while my uncle rushed to get me before I fell.
Or that time when I was 6 and decided I didn’t like living with my parents and ran away. I was found after pleas on the radio stations, and neighbors and policemen going door to door to find me. Only after I tired of hiding at my best friends’ house did I decide to go home nearly eight hours later. Mom wanted to beat me but the officers wouldn’t allow it. See I told mom I saw the policemen asking my friend if I was there and she lied and said no.
Six years old was a bad time for me. During this same year I decided to stick my arm through the ringer on our washer to see if would flatten my arm as it did the clothes as it pressed the water out. You all remember the washers don’t you? Mom nearly fell down the stairs running to see why I was screaming as if death was leaving my body. Fortunately there was no damage to my arm.
After the age of six I became a good child. Mom said that I was never really bad just curious and sometimes nosey. So why is it that sometimes I feel at this mature age that I want to do something so bad? You know like:
*Knock some sense into teenagers when they do something stupid
*Lining up drug dealers and filling up a needle with a variety of drugs and pushing it into their bodies to let them know how it feels to be strung out on drugs
*Going off on one of my subordinates when they try to get smart with me
Sometimes I want to do something so bad, so unlike me and then I breathe because I know it is not me and whatever is in my mind need to stay there to keep me safe. But every now and then it occurs to me that maybe being so bad can be so good. Then I open my eyes and realize that if I did something so out of character, it really wouldn’t be me.
How bad have you been?
Except when I was 2-years old and decided to go upstairs and remove the screen from the window, climbed onto the roof and decided I wanted to jump. Poor mom saw me while she was hanging clothes on the line and a little voice instructed her not to scream but to gently talk me into staying right there while my uncle rushed to get me before I fell.
Or that time when I was 6 and decided I didn’t like living with my parents and ran away. I was found after pleas on the radio stations, and neighbors and policemen going door to door to find me. Only after I tired of hiding at my best friends’ house did I decide to go home nearly eight hours later. Mom wanted to beat me but the officers wouldn’t allow it. See I told mom I saw the policemen asking my friend if I was there and she lied and said no.
Six years old was a bad time for me. During this same year I decided to stick my arm through the ringer on our washer to see if would flatten my arm as it did the clothes as it pressed the water out. You all remember the washers don’t you? Mom nearly fell down the stairs running to see why I was screaming as if death was leaving my body. Fortunately there was no damage to my arm.
After the age of six I became a good child. Mom said that I was never really bad just curious and sometimes nosey. So why is it that sometimes I feel at this mature age that I want to do something so bad? You know like:
*Knock some sense into teenagers when they do something stupid
*Lining up drug dealers and filling up a needle with a variety of drugs and pushing it into their bodies to let them know how it feels to be strung out on drugs
*Going off on one of my subordinates when they try to get smart with me
Sometimes I want to do something so bad, so unlike me and then I breathe because I know it is not me and whatever is in my mind need to stay there to keep me safe. But every now and then it occurs to me that maybe being so bad can be so good. Then I open my eyes and realize that if I did something so out of character, it really wouldn’t be me.
How bad have you been?
u're human. allow it.
in any event, i'm signing my son up to be the first in ur "knock some sense into teenagers when they do something stupid" line.
hope u've been well.
Hmmmm.. 6 years old was one of those crazy years for a brotha too. What's up with that age luv? Now, you lining up drug dealers with a hot cocktail of their drugs and pumping it into their veins so they get that stark feeling of what it feels like to be sprrrunng on drugs, now THAT is inventive. And scary that you came up with that miss Rose! :) It's no less than they deserve though..
I'm like that too, but thankfully, I keep myself out of trouble.
Shucks, if folks only knew the type of things I imagine doing they'd lock me up in a padded room.
The wonderful thing about having such a vivid imagination is that I can imagine mowing down my psycho ex-boss with such vivid detail that it's almost as satisfying as having actually done so. Then I can pop a chocolate covered bon-bon and get on with my day. (grin)
I hear you! So many times I need Jesus to take the wheel before I catch a charge! For the most part I control myself & keep it moving.
I too am my family's "Good Girl". However, one of these days I plan to do a Maya Angelou and go on what she calls a "Walk About" in the book Wouldn't Take Nothing For MY Journey Now. On a Walk About, you take a little money, no credit cards, and no ID and go wherever you want as long as no one knows you there. Where my walkabout would differ from Maya's, would be that I would cause a little trouble while I was gone....what the heck, nobody would know me there, right? ;b
Not bad at all. Although I would like to set this mind free to do as I wanted, but that's just not me!
My son is 6 and this child.. words cannot describe! He's either keeping me young our aging me triple time..
I've been the good girl/example child, but I did plenty of dirt on the side. I was just sneaky as all get out. That's all. LOL.
Uh no comment. I've been bad. Thank God for deliverance.
Oh man if only I could get away with it lol!!! I'm pretty much the good girl too and that title drives me insane.
The only thing that I can think of was when I was away at college and I wanted to go to California for Spring Break, of course my parents said no but I was bound and determined my smart azz was still going. My school was in Alabama btw so I had a little part time gig to save money for my trip, my grades suffered tremendously and mom said quit the job cause she and dad weren't paying for me to get C's but I couldn't because I didn't have all the money needed for the trip so I lied and said I did. Whenever my mom would call the dorm (while I was at work)my friends knew to tell her I was gone to the library or to UA (University of Alabama)but one day a girl in my dorm told my mom I was gone to work. OH HELL NAW!!! My mom found out I didn't quit my job and was lying to her too and that I was still planning on going to California after they had strictly said no. She ripped me a new one all the way from Chicago. That was THE last time I ever lied to my parents. That wasn't too bad was it?
Seriously, you don't wanna know.
Oh, and c'mon rosemarie...you've had to have been bad at one time or another!! ;)
I can't believe you ran away. Not funny, but I did kind of giggle.
I have been plenty bad. Plenty. I am trying to reform now. It is a work in progress.
i dont think ur bad.. those thoughts are natural.. ur being provoked to think that way, now if u wanted to do some of those things just b/c... that'd be a diff story...
wow @ ur past stories...
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