Happy and Blessed!
This has been an amazing week. First my daughter, my only child turned 19.
Where is the time going? I don’t feel as if I am getting old, I feel better than I did before she was born. We took her back to school on Thursday. I miss my child but know as the years pass she will graduate, get married and have her family. At least as her mother I pray that it happens that way. But if it doesn't, I'll love her still.
I was riding with her and we were following her dad as we took her back to college. About 2 hours from her school, in the dead of the night, we saw her dad’s SUV veer violently to the right. Then we saw a deer run as fast as the eye could see down the highway on the opposite side. We pulled over to check on him. As we did so, I said out loud, “thank you God.” I knew that he had hit a deer, but I knew that he had been saved. My daughter saw two of them. When we looked at the damage on his SUV the front of it was damaged. The grill and bumper were both knocked all the way in. He was able to pull the grill off the fan, thus allowing him to continue to drive. It was too dark to see what happened to the deer. But we knew that he was bless as most of the time when a deer is hit they come through the windshield or hit the roof of the car. Thankfully his SUV was so high; the deer could not do as much damage.
We are so blessed!
We are so blessed!
i am so happy that u are all safe and well. remain so.
I'm glad nobody was hurt and your daughter is truly lovely. You are really blessed.
Say it ain't so...You look absolutely fabulous, mother of a nineteen year old college student! I know all too well how deers can do damage to night riders. I prayed like nobodies business each time I hit the road to and from college because those Bama backroads were notorious for antelope. I'm adding to your thanks to the most high for His saving grace and mercy he showed on your travels.
You are blessed indeed! Happy B'day to your daughter and giving thanks for your husbands safety!! God's blessed you richly and I'm thankful that He has.
Add me to the list of people sending up platitudes of gratitude on the safe-keeping of your family Rose. Not that you needed it, but of course this only reinforces for you and your family the beauty of the blessing that is each of you having the others.
Stay safe and be blessed!
Happy Birthday to her. My son turned 25 today.
Thank goodness that he was in an SUV when he hit the deer. People hit deer all the time where I live and when I lived way up north it was moose we had to contend with. Had he not been in an SUV, things could have been much worse. Whew so glad to hear that you ALL were ok.
Your daughter is lovely. Happy birthday to her.
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