Have you ever fantasized about being with someone other than your partner? Is there anything wrong with fantasying but never touching?
People ask me all the time, how can you stay married to the same man for more than 20 years? Is sex boring? I think sex is what you make it. You have to keep your relationship stimulating and exciting. Marriage is give and take. You have to be creative and feel comfortable enough to discuss your sex life if you feel that it has become boring.
Have I ever fantasized about another man? Yes! I would be lying if I said no. But I think that it just stimulates me more to make my own life more exciting……..
People ask me all the time, how can you stay married to the same man for more than 20 years? Is sex boring? I think sex is what you make it. You have to keep your relationship stimulating and exciting. Marriage is give and take. You have to be creative and feel comfortable enough to discuss your sex life if you feel that it has become boring.
Have I ever fantasized about another man? Yes! I would be lying if I said no. But I think that it just stimulates me more to make my own life more exciting……..
No judgement here, but I truly cannot relate. I have actually tried to fantasize about someone else (i.e. Denzel ;), but I find my mind ALWAYS comes back to the PO (my attempt to keep my sweetie's identity private in blogland). He is the sexiest thing on the planet as far as I'm concerned and has been for as long as I've known him (22 years). I don't know why this is the case, but it has been that way for so long now I don't expect it to change. Since I'm planning to marry him, I guess that's a good thang!
Now don't get me wrong, I do find other men attractive AND I appreciate your candor!
Thanks for stopping by my blog....we should both be asleep....the fact that neither of us is is just one more thing we have in common and we really ARE going to have to meet one of these days!
I'm going to turn in by 3am or so I have promised myself ;) Take care of you.
Oh H**l Yes. I have always been very lucky in that I have had amazingly sexy and inventive partners...and I'm not dead. You're right ~ it's up to us to keep a relationship from becoming stagnant and if the occasional fantasy on either person's part helps with that, more power to it!
Yes, though this is wrong. That is what leads to waywordness. No?
I don't think fantasising about other people necessarily leads to cheating and I agree that it can keep things interesting in a long-term relationship or marriage.
I think perhaps these are the fantasies that shouldn't be shared though! I would find it really hard to accept the idea of my other half thinking about someone else.
Fantasies are fun and harmless. Everything in moderation.
Fantasy and make believe are important. Acting out with someone else, is not!
this is an excellent post. I think I'll print it out for re-reading later.
Thanks for being positive about this topic.
I've kinda visited this post several times and still haven't answered ...hmn, what am I hiding?
Interesting question. I think the line should be drawn between sexual fantasy and possibly meeting for lunch fantasy. I'll be back.
I've found some men attractive, but I don't really fantasize about being with them or anything.
I'm gonna have to say...yes. :)
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