Vickie Lynn Hogan better known as Anna Nicole Smith, 39, the voluptuous former Playboy centerfold who married an octogenarian billionaire and waged a legal battle for his fortune all the way to the Supreme Court, died Tuesday after collapsing at a hotel. What a sad way to end your life with so much speculation. Already I've heard things like drugs, murdered by her companion, or maybe natural causes. Whatever, I feel sad for her daughter and mother who never got a chance to make it right with her child. I thought she was so beautiful and I likened her to Marilyn Monroe. Didn't Marilyn die at 39 too? The irony of this is that her mother claimed months ago that her lawyer had married her, killed her son and claim to be the father of her 5 month old to inherit the nearly 400 million she was in line to receive. We shall see.
I likened her life to that of Marilyn Monroe as well. She said many times that she patterned herself after her. The really sad thing is who is going to care for that newborn baby? Such tragedy, first the son, then the mother. What happens next?
It is sad. I feel for the baby too.
My first thoughts were of the baby...born just when the son met his demise. What a tragic life...
She was so beautiful and I never faulted her for trying to extend her 15 minutes of fame.
The stuff about that dude sounds about right. I wouldn't past him to have drugged her to make it look like an overdose. I guess we'll never really know. That poor, poor girl. Her life is going to be so hard. She will never know if people like her for her, or her celebrity and money.
This is a sad ending to a very turbulent life. I always had a soft spot for her in my heart. She seemed so lost and sad all of the time. Poor little baby has so much life ahead of her, and so much baggage that will come with it.
I just wrote a post today about "Pray for the Baby," Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern (born September 7, 2006.
Come and visit!
I was very sad to see this happen, too. :(
Yeah, there was tragedy throughout her life. Like a wise man once said, "Mo Money, Mo Problems!" I think the pressure overwhelmed everyone in her life.
What a tragic loss. I hope her daughter live a full and happy life with sincere and caring people who loves her without disrespecting her mother to her.
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