Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Starting the Year off Right!

What a wonderful story to start the New Year off? This made me sob. But I sobbed from feeling proud that someone would risk their life to save a stranger. This story also made World News. They interviewed him.

DEEPTI HAJELA, Associated Press Writer
January 3, 2007

NEW YORK - In hindsight, jumping in front of an oncoming subway train may not have been the smartest move Wesley Autrey has ever made. "It's all hitting me now," Autrey said Wednesday, a day after he saved the life of a young man who had fallen down onto the tracks by pushing him into a gap between the rails. "I'm looking, and these trains are coming in now. ... Wow, you did something pretty stupid."

But even knowing that he had a narrow escape from injury or death, the 50-year-old Manhattanite doesn't regret his choice.

"I did something to save someone's life," Autrey said.

The father of three was lauded Wednesday for his quick thinking and even quicker reflexes. Waiting for a downtown train on Tuesday, he saw Cameron Hollopeter, a film student, suffering from some kind of medical problem. After stumbling down the platform, Hollopeter, of Littleton, Mass., fell onto the tracks with a train on its way into the station.
Autrey, traveling with his two young daughters, knew he had to do something. He jumped down to the tracks and rolled with the young man into the trough between the rails as a southbound No. 1 train came into the station.

The trough, used for drainage, is typically about 12 inches deep but can be as shallow as 8 or as deep as 24.

The train's operator saw someone on the tracks and put the emergency brakes on. Before the train came to a stop, two cars passed over the men — with about 2 inches to spare, Autrey said.
Hollopeter's stepmother, Rachel Hollopeter, said Autrey was "an angel."

"He was so heroic," she said in a telephone interview. "If he wasn't there, this would be a whole different call."

Would you do what he did to save someone?


Dr. Deb said...

I live in NY and the news has been overflowing for this wonderful man and what he did.

TTD said...

wasn't that amazing?!?! i dont know if i woulda jumped down there though... but u never know when ur placed in that situation...

Anonymous said...

Can't say what I would do in that situation unless I WAS IN that situation. I think he is an angel for doing that, pure heart for sure and all he cared about was helping a total stranger. I'm so glad he is getting so much press on this, finally something positive with a black male, ya know. I heard he was going to be on David Letterman so I tuned in last night just for his interview. God is good and always right on time.

Clare said...

I heard about this too. What an amazing guy.

Luke Cage said...

I agree with a couple of the posters miss Rose. So many factors are in play when the situation is occurring than when we are sitting back reading the story. What we say now may be drastically altered when the situation actually comes down. What an incredible story and a brave soul. Thanks for sharing because I hadn't read this story...

The Gig said...

I also saw this on the news. I was especially glad because the hero was black and that he got news coverage. We don't usually get positive coverage like this and when watching the news like during diasters like hurricane Katrina, and other situations of that kind; I notice that blacks are not shown helping to clean up, bag sand, etc. I applaud Mr. Autrey for his heroic actions.

One never knows what they would do in a situation such as this one. I can only hope that I would do the same thing. Wonderful post as usual Rose.

Michelle said...

This is such an inspirational story -- imagine how proud his young girls must feel of their father. That is something they will carry with them the rest of their lives. Their daddy is a real life angel and hero. I hope many blessings are bestowed on this brave man and his family.

r00twOrks said...

The real story to be told has just begun for both of these men. God is awesome in Her Wisdom.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

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