Sunday, July 24, 2005
This morning I am preparing to do edits on my new book. I am not ready to release the name as I am really considering writing it in another name. But what I am working on is the promotion of Backroom Confessions. Although I have started my own company to promote myself, figuring why try to solicit a traditional publisher and still have to do the promotion myself, this I think is smarter. But it is so hard...Everyday I have to do something, mail a media kit, make a call, read email, and write, edit and write. On top of this still maintain my job that pays for all this. Writing I have found is easy, getting the word out about your book is hard. But I try to remember that nothing good that comes to you is easy. Yeah right! Some writers are fortunate enough to write that one book that takes them to the top- what a blessing! So I trudge along....Today I have to finish the edits on a manuscript that I have written 100 plus pages on. When I finish that I have to edit the new author that I just brought on, then I have to complete several assignments for my job. Wow! Already my butt is tired and hurting from sitting in this chair. But any level of success comes with hard work, but I must continue to do what I can to one day achieve my goal...So let me get back to writing...My break is over.
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Yeah, all I do is write. I write for pleasure and to eat. My day job consist of writing grants, proposals, and curriculums. Then I come home and write for my newspaper column. What's a girl to do? Yeah, I'm busy. If I wasn't, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
Congrats on your writing endeavors!
Thank you for your encouragement! I love your work. Just picked up Pretty Boys last week. I don't have as much time to read now but when I do, you are at the top of the list. Congratulations to you on all your success.
Rose, you deserve all of the accolades. I especially agree with unscript'd@21. From one writer to another -- you make me look like an underachiever! LOL
I do have one question. WHEN DO YOU SLEEP???
Seriously...GREAT WORK. You have the gift. Keep using it!
P.S. My day job is in marketing and PR. Check out my blog if you ever feel inclined to offer some insight in that area. It's clear that you're adept in more than one style of writing. Check out my blog at
This post, although an archive, was very encouraging to me as I prepare to self publish. I'll be back to visit!
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