Thursday, December 29, 2011

Check out Amazon. My book A Hole in My Heart is free for Prime Members. Download it today and let a teen read it.

People ask me why I write….. This is why! I changed nothing except to removed the students’ name..
I'm a 15 year old student in Creve Coeur, Missouri. I purchased your novel, "A Hole In My Heart" before 2004 ended and I must say, it was a very interesting piece of work. I enjoyed reading your book and I just had to give my regards to you too. I am a gifted writer as well with very good handwriting, and once I finished reading the story, it touched me. It addressed the impact of some of the families in our world today just like you said on the back of the cover. I was really impressed! Anyway, I have to go but, I just had to send you two a shout out and I wanted you two to know that there are people out there like me, who would love to purchase your books. Have a nice day!

If you are an Amazon Prime member you can download this free and let a teen read.

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