Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October, 2011

A Sinner’s Cry

When Denise Reese was awoken out of her sleep by her cell phone ringing, she didn’t realize that it was the first sign of her world crumbling. Through the whisper of a stranger, the man and relationship that she held dear was now fully compromised. Feeling distraught and alone Denise decided to find solace in the arms of her mother and the church that she had been lapse from. Attempting to find redemption, the newly appointed pastor James Davis tries to lead his flock through the dissension within the walls of his church. While Pastor Davis and Denise Reese struggles to find an equilibrium in their lives, they also begin to examine the attraction between each other.

Rose Jackson-Beavers weaves an intricate tapestry of desire, lies, and conviction in her novel A Sinner’s Cry. By creating a dichotomy between the relationships of man and woman, God and church, and sinner and saint, the reader is given a realistic view of the struggles of multiple people who find solace in and out of a church’s holy walls. Using the protagonist as a tool of realistic morality, the reader is able to observe the mistakes that can easily befall one, while realizing that no problem is ever just black or white; there are always various hues of gray. The author pens a bold novel that tows the line between desire and love for a mature audience.

As the Denise Reese attempts to climb toward redemption, her stumbles remind us all that as humans none of us are perfect. However, it is the way we get back up that defines our character. Whether you are weak or strong, Rose Jackson-Beaver’s book, A Sinner’s Cry helps lead the reader to the forgiving power of God, whether struggling saint, or crying sinner.

Editor’s note: For more information about A Sinner’s Cry, or to schedule an interview with Rose Jackson-Beavers call Prioritybooks at 314-306-2972 or write to info@prioritybooks.com. You may also contact the author at rosbeav03@yahoo.com. A Sinner’s Cry will be released in November 2011. Pre-Orders are being taken at www.prioritybooks.com. The book will also be available at www.amazon.com, www.barnesandnoble.com. If it is not on the shelf ask for it.

For more information or interviews contact:
Contact: Kendra Koger
Phone: 314.306.2972
Website: www.prioritybooks.com
Email: prioritypublicity@yahoo.com


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Pretty worthwhile info, thank you for the article.
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