Come Party With Me and other Best Selling Authors
Rose Jackson-Beavers is one of the authors that will be featured at OOSA's Pajama Book Jam on October 29, 2011, in St. Louis, Missouri. Rose is the author of 4 books and the publisher/owner of Prioritybooks Publications. She also is the owner of the Family Enhancement Center, a non-profit organization that focuses on enhancing the lives of families through a variety of programs. Currently, she is a literary columnist for a local newspaper. In this column she recommends books to read to avid readers in several communities and cities.
Why did you choose to be participate in this literary event? In the St. Louis Metropolitan area, which includes so many municipalities and small cities, there are limited opportunities to attend literary events. Partly because it is difficult to get people to come out to support authors, and not many organizations or individuals sponsor activities. As an author and a lover of literature, I would like to see more activities that grant readers an opportunity to meet their favorite authors and discover new ones. Finally, have you seen the line up? LOL! The storytellers featured are awesome. I considered it a privilege to be included.
What is your favorite pajama party game/memory? My favorite pajama party game is Truth or Dare. It's a fun way to get people to talk.
Describe your favorite pair of pajamas? My black lace nightie with the spaghetti straps.
What are you most looking forward to at the Pajama Party? As an author I haven't had many opportunities to share my work in the way I would like to because of the many hats that I wear as a publisher. I'm always at my desk doing one hundred other things for authors that I publish; as a result my personal work tends to suffer. I always put others first. I believe this Pajama Party will give me an opportunity to introduce myself to other authors and readers.
Also check out my new book to be released soon. Please go to, for a special.
OOOO! I want to come! I know all of these great authors and we are all scattered. :(
Also, unrelated but not, wanted to let you know about Middle Child Press ( I think you will like their reasons for existing.
This is such a clever idea.
I hope you enjoy the event thoroughly.
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