Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Too Concerned about Image

I always tell my daughter to be careful what she does and to never post pictures on the Internet that can later come back to hunt her. My friends and I saw some pictures of her childhood friend on the Internet drinking, smoking and dancing suggestively against some guys. This girl wants to be physician. Even though folks grow up and mature into responsible people, I know for a fact that stuff like that will hunt you professionally. Like as a doctor one might think that she is incapable of having surgery when she is blasted on every photo we saw. Well, maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m a little to concern about image. When I saw these pictures of Fantasia, I forgot about her singing and just shook my head. Maybe I’m getting too old for my own good! But if folks didn't send me these types of photos what would I blog about! Granted these pictures are nothing they just made me for some reason think of the pictures I saw of my daughter's junior high school friend who graduated from a Christian school. Now those pictures would blow your mind.


Believer said...

"Fantasia keeps it real with her sassy, self-confident style and down-to-earth advice, making readers laugh and cry with her. Life Is Not a Fairy Tale is more than just a celebrity success story. It's a book of revelations that will inspire all readers to reach for their greatest potential."

I'm not sure these pics help convey her message or faith. On the other hand, though it's more skin than I prefer at poolside, they are harmless snapshots.

Technology has served humanity well, but has been equally harming. Blogging could be dangerous too! Anybody ever think of that?

Rose said...

You are right Rosemarie. Blogging can be. Would you believe that a former employee posted her hate for me and other managers in her posts and folks sent the links to us? Well, can't go into what happened. But blogging could be bad too. You have to be careful about what you say. Thing about me though, if I ever wanted to run for office, what people find out about me will be no secret. I tell my own stories. By the way, I don't think the photos are bad they just made me think of images for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Were these pictures taken recently?

Not that these pictures are that bad, but I guess it's a good thing that she only aspires to be an entertainer.

Supreme Court judge.......? Me thinks not!

kathi said...

I just think it's so sad that after all the success she's achieved, she still can't afford a bathing suit that fits her. Okay, that's not necessarily mean, just my poor attempt at humor (with a tad bit of truth). And, geeze, she's sure got that one pose down, huh?

I love the girls voice, she can deliver a performance...still, I think these pictures were a bit sad.

Dee said...

when I think about some of the things Fantasia revealed about her childhood and teenage years in an interview (I sure hope I don't have her confused with someone else) I can see why she may have made certain decisions.

In a lot of ways the odds were against her having great self-esteem and a sense of pride. But I'm impressed with the strides she has made and the uphill battle she has fought. I don't know that I could have done the same in similar circumstances.

Dee said...

I'm back
check out this article that reveals some of what she went through as a high-schooler

Also, I recall reading an interview with Superhead in the back of an Essence magazine that revealed she had a similar experience as an adolescent.

When a young woman/girl is sexually assaulted, her attitude toward showing her body off, allowing others to use her body etc. often becomes "sure why not" rather than "hell no". If you will read Keyshia Cole's interview in Essence she points out that a similar situation happened to a close relative of hers.

Dr. Deb said...

I think that the photos show a confident young girl who is in a suit maybe a size too small. But I know what you mean about integrity.

Dr. Deb said...




Gina said...

a tad much to look at in my eye, especially when one wants to be respected as an entertainer, parent and professional.

Tara said...

I think she's showing a bit too much skin....it's hard to respect entertainers when you see pics like this.

Anonymous said...

Teman saya pernah terkena kutil kelamin di sekitar bibir vaginanya, sangat mengerikan. di sekitar vagina tersebut di tumbuhi daging kaya kutil dan itu banyak sekali pokoknya menakutkan sekali. Tapi setelah minum obat Penyakit kutil kelamin wanita dari herbal, dalam waktu 2 hari sudah kering. Mantap banget virus HPV ini sehingga nanti kedepannya khsusunya untuk kaum pria dapat menjaga diri agar terhindar dari penyakit ini obat alternatif herbal paling manjur