Thursday, February 01, 2007

He did make it! What a Surprise!

I watched the American Idol because one of my church members would be on trying out. Funny thing though, he told me that he didn’t make it. See he had approached me to do a special project with him that involved the show. Last year he made it to Hollywood but didn’t go further because the line he practiced with did not make it. We were excited at the start of auditions this year when he sought me out to work on this project, several months later he informed me that he did not make it in auditions in Alabama. I was sad for him because they project would be voided, and plus he was going to age out this year.

As I watched last night I told my nephew and husband that our church member did not make it. He said he wasn’t selected. Trust me this guy can sing. It is impossible to think that he wouldn’t make it because he really can sing, like Luther Vandross. But surprise, as we where watching the end of the show when they show all the ones who were going, he was smiling and jumping up and down with the yellow sheet of paper in his hand. So he is going to Hollywood! This is his second trip.

I’m sure he could not tell me because of the contract they sign to keep results secret. But this past Saturday, we stood on the parking lot at church and chatted about another project that he wanted me on. So I don’t know if he made the 24 are not but I can tell you this, he can really sing…..

I’m 100 percent sure he told me he did not make it in Alabama so since he did, I get the feeling he made it further. At least, I hope it did.

Where are they now?

Taylor Hicks, my favorite, album has been certified platinum . He had the highest debut when his single debuted at No. 1 the week of July 1, 2006


TJ said...

That's great!

Believer said...

What great! Keep us posted so we can cheer him on from our couch.

Anonymous said...

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