Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Why do I continue to purchase CD's and never listen to them?. I have purchased so many CD's of late but since I only listen while I drive, my CD's are not getting any play. Occasionally I play this new one which I love, but still it sits in the CD player in my car.

Other CD's I purchase but never listen to are Pharrell, Beyonce, John Legend, Ruben Stoddard, Kirk Franklin (only listen to this on the way to church), Janet Jackson (never even played this one), Justin Timberlake, well basically too many to list. I'm packing and sending them to my daughter.

Why does Beyonce poses with her arms up in the air now? Lately when she poses you can see her deodorant or hair under her arms.

Why do I feel to exhausted to post today? I think I'll visit blogs today and relax my mind.


Believer said...

I remember a store where you could trade in CD's.

I stopped buying CD's years ago. I either listen to the radio in the car or purchase individual songs on iTunes if it's something I want to listen to on demand. However, my radio time is almost nonexistent because my daughter now requests her CD's in the car. There's no escape for me...currently that is.

Not sure what the deal is with Beyonce posing with her arms up. Maybe she's been working out.

Anonymous said...

But why do I feel to relaxed to see this post today? I dont buy CDs though. Nice.


Nancy said...

I am a big fan of the iPod. I plug it in my car and pick which songs I'm in the mood for. I just get everything on line. Instead of a whole album, I can just get one song and save myself a lot of heartache and money.

I wonder about the new Janet CD. She was fabulous on Oprah. Now I have to go listen! :)

Paula D. said...

Girl, Beyonce needs to stop it!

kathi said...

Ditto nancy, rarely buy cd's, but just download to my ipod and play it in the car.

Beyonce? Maybe she's really proud of her arms lately...looks sorta odd with them up in the air, gotta agree.

Michelle said...

The arms in the air pose -- not a good look! LOL.

I'm sure your daughter will appreciate the CD love! :-)

Liz Dwyer said...

I have to hear three songs on the cd that I like before I buy. I listen to samples on iTunes or in Barnes and Noble. My husband bought Janet's cd because he's a huge fan. He wasn't thrilled with it. Hardly ever plays it. And THANK YOU for pointing out how wack Bey looks with her arms up like that. Maybe Jay-Z's filled her head with some lies a la, "Baby, you look hot with your arms up like dat."

Anonymous said...

Maybe Beyonce is looking for other ways to attract attention, it seems like Jennifer Hudson is stealing the spotlight these days!! =)

Anonymous said...

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