Monday, January 08, 2007


Why is it that when Oprah was making Phil, Rosie the cook, Rachel, Bob, Nate the decorator, and Doctor OZ famous and rich we never heard one bad thing about who she was supporting? Well I heard a couple bad things while standing around the water cooler about Oprah always supporting and making other races rich and true some African Americans were quit angry. But still they loved and supported her and watched her show. Now that Oprah has done something wonderful and seriously worthwhile, people are upset and saying why did Oprah open up a school to support African American kids, and did not accept white kids into the school. Granted these people are not African Americans who are complaining. Oprah school is for low-income and poor blacks. How many whites in South Africa would have qualified for her school based on economics & income, not many right? I heard her say she accepted two. So what the heck is white America mad about? Okay... not all of white American is mad, just a few but with the media it seems like many more are angry. Geez, the woman did great by using HER money to help educate!!! Leave her alone…I think opening up a school for kids who wants an education desperately is a great thing. Yeah you got it I am a die heart fan of Oprah, though; really I should be quite angry that she has never invited me to her show. The nerves of her! (LOL)

Note: My friend Shirazi has an excellent post on the top ten African American Bloggers, go visit and check them out at SAJ Shirazi


princessdominique said...

Bottom line what we all have to remember, you're right it's HER MONEY. If people want things to be done a certain way, then they need to get rich so they can give as they see fit.

Anonymous said...


She is doing something positive and should be commended for it. When asked why there weren't more white students at the school O said, "I feel no obligation to appease the white people of this country."

Go girl!

Miz JJ said...

There will always be people who try to throw shade on your shine. She doesn't have to explain anything to anyone. Until anyone else comes up with the loot to open a school like hers then they can just shut the hell up.

Michelle said...

Oprah should just keep doing her thang and let the haters hate! I heard not only has she built the school, but she's going to pay for this first group of girls to go to college wherever they want in the world! (Dang, where was Oprah when I was going to college:-)

One day the haters' children might be working for Oprah's students! HELL-O!

Believer said...

They're just jealous! They need to leave her alone! She's done so much good.

Oprah the philanthropist is doing things her own way. She's been blessed with an abundance of money and has kept it multiplying.

Brotha Buck said...

I think it's very good thing, and much more appreciated, than probably American kids.

Paula D. said...

I'm with brotha buck. A lot of people got pissed when she said that American kids want material things & don't value education as much. As much as I hate to admit it, it's the truth. I'm glad she is making a difference.

[a} said...

[Came here from urban butterfly's blog]
I think that the people who actually look past her kindness for imagined racism, the ones that judge everything based on skin colour,!

Oprah hasn't invited me {yet} either! What a loser! :D

Anonymous said...

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