Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A Legend Gone

When I was in my teens my brothers spent a lot of time with me and my sisters keeping us entertained and out of trouble. We had a lot of talent shows and played many competitive games. I am from a family of singers. My granddad sang in a quartet and traveled the south before I was born, that’s where our singing started. Our family reunions are nothing but fun. We have to have talent shows so that everybody can show off their vocal skills. We have always been the Singing Jackson’s clan.

Today my sister called to tell me that James Brown had died. She said that she saw him on Saturday passing out Christmas cards to kids. He did this every year in Augusta where they live which is a very small city. She said she was shocked to find out that he died this morning.

James Brown was the King of Music in the eyes of my brothers both who died too young. When I think of them I always think of them singing songs by James Brown and Al Green. That’s how I got to know James’ music. It was through listening to my brothers’ sing his songs through the many talent shows they participated in. We were always glued to the television to watch him perform. We couldn’t wait until the end of his songs when he would be crowned the king with his royal robe. He was indeed a showman.

James music is the most sampled by other artists. His danced steps have been copied by Michael Jackson, Usher, and many more. His song “I feel good” should be a daily anthem to encourage positive self esteem. James Brown will surely be missed.


Nancy said...

I danced in my living room with my 2-year-old son to "Super Bad" when I heard the news. He was a legend and always will be remembered.


The Gig said...

One of my absolute favorites was "Please, Please, Please." When I first heard that song I thought it was the prettiest song I'd ever heard, but this was only one of many songs he sung that I perceived as one of the best I'd heard. He will truly be missed.

Luke Cage said...

Amen to the tribute miss Rose. Talk about one of the great pioneers of our time, the legend may be dead, but his contribution to music will never ever be forgotten. Godspeed James!

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