Friday, November 24, 2006

I tried too hard: The Peach Pie Disaster

What is the worst thing you cooked for Thanksgiving? For me it was the peach cobbler. It was my first time cooking one, I wanted to surprise my husband and surprise I did. I used a pie crust and combined the flour, sugar, cinnamon and peaches together and stirred and pour it into the waiting crust. But I made the mistake of topping it with huge flatten biscuits. The biscuits browned too hard and soaked in the juice of the pie. All I can say is that it didn't look like this.

All in all I had a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving Day with my family. I pray yours was just as beautiful.


CQ said...

Sorry to hear that your pie didn't come out like you had hoped, but that you still have a great Thanksgiving. I couldn't have asked for a better one myself. I didn't have to cook or clean up. (smile)

Kip said...

Glad you had a good thanksgiving I did too, and also I use to make peach cobbler but I made mine look like a muffin (crust made like a muffin) and the peaches and jucie on the inside. I made them large too not little like a small muffin but big and they tasted good.

Also you should have let the peaches and cobbler cook fist with out the biscut crust on top. Turned the oven on low the peaches and juice could gradually get warm. Then once you saw it was close to being done then add the biscut crust on top. Then when wait about 7 to 10 minutes then pull it out. Now you have a good cobbler with out hard crust but soft crust.

Also you should keep checking to to make sure the crust does not get too hard checking is more important than timing it.

Shai said...

I tried making one from scratch but not on the holiday. I did just like I watched my grandma do. I made the crust to thick so it had to stay much longer which made parts of it overcooked. LOL.

I don't cook much stuff because my child is so picky and things go to waste. I have experimented on the holidays and my mac and cheese did not come out too great one year.

Anonymous said...

Happy that you had a nice celebration.

Anonymous said...

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