Saturday, August 06, 2005

Today has been a very frustrating hair day for me. I finally took my braids down and wished that I hadn't. I just do not have the energy or time to work on my hair. I rather write. So I get to go the whole weekend with bad hair days because my braider can't get to me until Tuesday. Rats-I don't see how I am going to make it this weekend looking like this...Oh, how I love braids. They are easy and can be very beautiful with care and patience with the right braider--so much for that.

As I said my book sales are doing well in Augusta, Georgia. My sister who is my salesperson there has requested a second box and sold half one day after she requested them and almost all before she received them five days later. She stated that people were calling her and asking if I had written anything else because they wanted to read those too. That made me feel really good. I have several book signings coming up and hope to do equally well. I also have taken on a new author. Her name is Jazz Catrell and she has written a hot, raw, sexy book. I'll tell you the name later. It will be released around Christmas. I am excited about writing and so happy that I can help others to achieve their dreams of being published. Now if only one of us will hit the top.... Lesson for the day...Look out for your fellow man because you never know how successful they could become and how their success could impact your life or a relative...Be good and support our authors.... Buy "Backroom Confessions" today.... Thanks


Rose said...

Don't get it wrong, I have those bad clothes days but the difference is I called them fat days. You know like everthing you put on looks horrible, even if you thought you were looking all fire the last time you wore the same outfit. Give me back my ghetto card...(fire as in hot as in looking good). Hey AKA, Jazz is so raw, she scares even me.

Anonymous said...

Teman saya pernah terkena kutil kelamin di sekitar bibir vaginanya, sangat mengerikan. di sekitar vagina tersebut di tumbuhi daging kaya kutil dan itu banyak sekali pokoknya menakutkan sekali. Tapi setelah minum obat Penyakit kutil kelamin wanita dari herbal, dalam waktu 2 hari sudah kering. Mantap banget virus HPV ini sehingga nanti kedepannya khsusunya untuk kaum pria dapat menjaga diri agar terhindar dari penyakit ini obat alternatif herbal paling manjur