My Keys to Life
I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone. -- Bill Cosby
When Bill made this quote I didn’t understand it until I found myself so wrapped up in everybody’s situation that I begin to lose sight of myself and my dreams. Now I understand it. You see you can’t please people all the time. No matter what you do, for some it may be enough but for most, it isn’t.
So what happens is this: people keep coming back for more and if you keep trying to help you are giving yourself to someone else’s dream while allowing yours to fall apart. So now that I know better I can do better for myself.
- I learned that words really do hurt.
- That we should teach a man to fish (eat) for a lifetime and not just for a day
- I can’t be all things to people.
- Aging is a beautiful thing
- Unemployment sucks and ruins lives when people are used to working and earning a living.
Amen, amen, and AMEN! When I first arrived at your blog, it reminded me so much of my own. Needless to say, I've enjoyed my visit with you (smile).
The best we can do is point folks toward Christ...sometimees we can become the crutch when what they really need is their own faith...
my 2 cents...
It is our attachment to things and people that ruins our lives...must know that our identity is not wrapped up in our doing...our purpose is so great sometimes we need the process of unemployment to teach us how to access His promises....
Thats why I had to break away and take some "me" time out every week. I wished I could do it everday, I just hadn't managed my time for that one, yet...but still I feel your pain. I been there and done that and now I'm tried of being second best to my own self.
One thing I've learn is to give what you can but also give back to yourself. How can you continue the walk if you can't stand straight for being everyone else crutch?
Great lessons learned. Well done. :)
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