Never let others drive your car without car insurance...
Some teenagers need a butt whipping. Take for instance my niece- everyday for about seven months she hustled to work by bus and Metro-train. Sometimes, lugging her two kids both under the age of four to babysitters and then jumping back on the Metro-link to go to work. Some super cold days some of us would pick her up at the Metro but mostly we just let her do what she had to do. In the past, we all have helped her financially, I even purchasing her a car almost 4 years ago. But she allowed her then abusive boyfriend to drive it and burn the transmission up.
Almost four years and two kids later, she still has not grown up. Since the car I bought her she has purchased three, all against our advice. She ended up giving one back because it was in such bad condition, one was repo and still another, broke down less than four months later after paying five thousands for it. Yes we tried to advise, support, and educate her about making responsible choices with cars, boyfriends, etc. Still though, she felt that she had all the answers and ignored us.
Why did this young lady….I almost said something else, buy another car less than 6 weeks ago, (probably the best purchase she’s made because it was a nice car) let her new, unemployed boyfriend drive it while she worked? Well, anyway to make a long story short, several days ago he drove into a pole and totaled the car. Where was he when she was hopping on the bus and train? Where was he when she was lugging two kids in zero below weather hustling to get to work? Now she is carless again. Ms. Smart A----canceled her car insurance five weeks later because it was too high. Every time this girl takes one step up she ends up two steps back. All because she doesn’t listen! We have advised all the teens in our family on numerous occasions; do not let anyone drive your car! She is back on the bus and I suspect boy-friendless too. Will they ever listen?
What is wrong with these kids????
Some of us have to buy our lessons. That is so sad, but it is so true.
Kids today think that they are light years ahead of us in terms of sophistication and savvy...Old age and treachery will all ways out smart youth and vigor...
I retired from knocking my head against the wall trying to get my almost grown, troubled soul, godson to grow up. Now I just listen and pray for the boy. Not much else I or you can do for these know-it-alls, especially when they know nada!!!!!!
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